Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Qki. ART CONTEST AWARDS ANNOUNCED TONIGHT By MELVILLE IIAVSOM The awards of two art competition-, me to by announced tonight tit the Queensland National Art Gallery. They are the L. J. Harvey Memorial Prize for a draw- ing, and the. Henry Case111 Richards Memorial Prize for a landscape or seascape In oils. An exhibition of drawings and paintings selected from those submitted (or the prizes will be on view in the print room of the gallery. The general standard seems above that of the last major art competition held at the gallery. In the drawings, Kathleen Shillala and L. Shillala are represented by a well -drawn " New Born Kid " and a characteristic " Nude," while Betty Cameron offers a page of sketches. Margaret Cilento has put a deal of work Into " Portrait Study" and Donald Friend's " Country Boy" is another of his works In which satisfac- tion can be found. Stan Varley's " Erosion " Is well handled and patterned n a interesting manner, as is also the strong rendering, " Street In Prague," by Jire uoboda. Oil landscapes In the competition for land- scape in oil, Adelaide Perry's " On Lane Cove River " shows a breezy flitting of boats, and Margaret Client() is repre- sented by " Picnic Beach " and "Tropical Coast," the former being preferred, al- though there is a ehanee that the dominant human intense places this picture apart from landscape or seascape mtInt- Mg. John Rowell'', entries slier gest he is changing, his man- ner of painting. " Banana Plantation " and he, work showing a tropical beach. ap- peal more than the hot " Northern Road." John Eldershaw's " Cen- tralism Range " is In a well - conceived colour scheme, and in " Pool on Tweed River," a tapestry - like effect has been produced hr a combination of paint tex- ture, pattern, and colour. Mavi:; Tilley has a carefully painted "Kangaroo Point Street Scene, William 1 or- rence it colourful "Irvine - bank," and 0. Bond a more or leas traditional two -- "Lengthening Shadows" and "Early Morning Pastoral." Owen. Grant's "Street in Townsville," E. Lillian Peder- sen's "Terranong Country," Winifred Towers' "Wattle Country" are all typical works of these painters. Also re- presented are Donald Cowen, A. J. Rowe and self. The Henry Casein Richards memorial award carries a prize of 100 guineas. "COU "SUN" Melbourne, Vic. Won Z100 art competition 1/RISBANE, Wed. - John Rowell. a Melbourne artist, won the 2100 Rich- ards memorial prize with his landscape. A Northern Road. The painting Is one of three which Rowell enterer for the competition, which is arranged annually by the Queensland National Art Gallery trustees as memorial to thr isle Pro- fessor H. C. Richards. a former chairman of the trustees. "COURIER MAIL," Ftrishane. Culture again Queensland was expertenc- ng a new birth of culture. he Queensland National Art iallery director (Mr. Hobert Mines) said last night. Mr. Haines was speaking 1. the opening of the iteensland National Fitness rnseit's Associated Youth ommtttee's Jubilee Youtl Art Exhibition In I he More ten Galleries, in th^ A.M.P Building basement. The exhibition will b open to the public to-da, from 10 a.m. to 5 p m. to -morrow from 10 a.m. t 1 p.m. The 35 entries are the work of artists from Victoria. New South Wales, and Queensland The L. J. llarvey memor- ial prize of 20 guineas has drawn 20 entries. The major 'rice is a mem- orial to H, C. Rielidrils. 010e of the gallery'l former trustees. ft is the first awarded and the present trustees hope to repeat it annually. The Harvey prize is donated every two Dears by the Half Dozen Liroup of artists. A recital of chamber music at 8.15 p.m. has been ar- ranged by John Farnsworth Hall. The exhibition will be on public display for three weeks. IER MAIL," Prize to Vic. pointer 101IN Rowell, Mel- .1 bourne artist, won the 1100 Henry Casein Richards' Mleinorlal Prize with his land- seam., "A Northern Road." mil, was announced by Professor R. P. Cummings in opening an exhibition of ,,ileeted Mendes entered for compet Ilion and t he Lewis Jarvi, Harvey Mem- orial Drawing Cannon ion at the ()item -laud National Art Gallery last night. The palming I, one of ihree Which Mr. Rowell eii- tered for Iric cothiletition ar-1 rouged by the irti,tees f :he Quern:bind National Art Gallery m an annual i tr't - oriel to the late Profiti.,ii: H. C. Richards, A formi,r chair- man of trustee, oi iliii Gal- lery Drawing prize Hayti c Memorial Inwxing Prize ';.ca nrarurd t,, mr, Kathleen :Million for 11,1 Animal study. "The Vow, Kul... Din, prize. which will al,. be competed for anninillt by arrangement hmwrion Iii Queein.land National Ail Gallery winter, and the, Half Doren Group of Arti,ts, perpetuates the 'walnut of the late Mr. I.. J. lim-vry, former in,tructor In model- ling, wood carving. and pot- tery at Ihr Brisbane Tech - viral College. sea pe in oils and the i5 Lewis .1a rvia Harvey hlemorial Drawing Com- petition will be announced to -night at the Art Gallery. The announcement will be made et in PV, 11111R of cham- ber nuisui arranged by John Farnmvorth Hall. The trustees of the Queens- land National Art Gallery hope to conduct the contests annually, Eighteen of 35 oils submit- ted for the Richards Prize and seven of 20 for the Har- vey Prize have beets selected for hanging in the print room of the gallery, and will be available for public viewing front to -morrow. There is work of merit and promise to both corn - "TELEGRAPH" A Ilk Brisbane. Old. [rip inspired prize picture! A Melbourne artist who visits North Queensland every year won a prize of 100 guineas last night with J. landscape oil which he painted during a trip to Dunk Island last year. He is John Rowell whose' work "Northern Road." won Ow first Henry Caselli Rich-, ia memorial prize at the National Art Gal - Ti,.' works of John Rowell,l I I., is 57. are hung in prat-, Ily all the galleries in, oat :atilt. More than 100 people' in - I eluding country visitors, at-, `..ended the presentation of I tit; award and the £23' Lowis Jarvis Harvey mein- .nial prize for an original' .11Awing Tile Harvey price. pre- to.ed for the first time. was warded to Mrs. Kathleen :Minium. of Brighton. Sand - ....a i.e. for her entry entitled The Young Kid. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Q1d. Keen competition or new £100 art prize THE winners of the Intl Houk but semi' con' f100 Henry Caselli RSealertrt'd's neoottaubplivq tlionm the Richards Memorial Prize capable of much better for an Australian la lid- work, Margaret Cilento'ii "Picnic" contains fine figure composi- tion ,guilt by careless back- gr,sual: Don Cowen's "Storm, stradbroke." is a moody and hasty experiment; John El- dersluttv', "Pool on the Tweed," has strength on the right bank, weakness on the !eft; while Melville Haysom's apparition. -Ugari Middens, Fraser Island," leaves one wondering. Mavis Tilley has promise in "Kangaroo Point." ruined by a flimsy - looking Story Bridge; there is originality in 0. W. Bond's "Lengthening Shadows," feeling in William Torrence's "Irvinebark." and charm in Winifred Towers' "Wattle Country." Front yesterday's viewing I would say that John Rowell's "Banana Plantation," or "Northern will vie with John Eldershaw's Range" fur this im- portant award. Drawings OF the drawings land these are interesting), Donald Friend is disappointing with his "Country Boy." Margaret Cilento has an excellent, al- though studied "Portrait," Kathleen Shillam an animal study of deep feeling, and her husband, Leonard, a nude that Is full of anatomical faults, Betty Cameron has a swift little series of impressions from Newstead Park, and a New Australian, Jive Svoboda, a composition of considerable charm and strength in "Strset its Prague." The prize should go, I think, to Stanley Varley for his imaginative. almost Lanes- ful, "Erosion," a subject that is as original as It is well- drawn.-W. L. "NIAll." Brisbane- ()id. Priceless oils? PHOTOGRAPHS of two "old masters" hanging in the Queensland__ JU,Uwai Ark_Qallery 011e t?isto Eng/15870e identification. Gallery officials think they may be originals-pos- SplobtilYnds. wort[ several thousand The two paintings ere "Eli and Samuel," attributed to Titian 11483-15781. and "David Lamenting the Death of Absolom." attributed to 'Titian's pupil, Tintoretto (151S -1504i.