Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

in an Australia -wide cote- to opening petition conducted by a Miss Lola southern mitgalsne for women. Fifty, selecttql toll in- cluding the first prise -win- ning -Arrangement, in Green" by J. Carrington Smith, will be on :Mow the National Gallery until November 19. Welcomed GUESTS were weleemeo to the : party after the ottielaWning by the chairman of the Gallery tiustces tMr. E. A. Fergo- soot and Mrs. Ferguson. The portraits included en- tries from Canada, the United States, Ei Malta, and Formosa. Mrs. Clair said 1` people could get to know cite an- other better through a ', life In all countries would be happier. The portraits In the ex hibition were 1 beautiful tri- but to vt ,manhood and she " TELEGRAPH," ter, - POTTERY FOR Brisbane, Q'Id. ART GALLERY "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Aid. Ills r !II,. I. ... V.A.( ;. 1.,`1111,111, 11.101. 200 Guests see a prize portrait exhibition open TWO hundred people attended the official opening of an .%iistralian exhibition of portraits of women and children at the National Art Gallery last night. 1, -Mrs. Gair wore a. cocktail wore a frock of white t:.:- The opening ceremony4.,',c,Kergeld Plii1y1IonkarliiielTafitie- 1,1:1.rod tr,rzoillItiiirie.tet,!: a ity,10,..,i, t lily was performed by Mrs. V. twos a deep. cowl neckline. A halter -neckline (rock ill C. Gair, wife of the State hysi,-i;;,,,,iigshitilndslicc,o,r lttoclsoci.Litluaiii (,uht tonen ,Ti., 113,10a,ekt,;,,tiraIm,o,L.nii,t,i, Premier. fr'irks wcre popular wait Mrs. Brian .,Ittlyn.st one. The lortr.ilts were entered wt,I11,11 elle.,ts al the exhibi- Mrs. Form, Yeates wore flock of black self -striped McCausland nylon with a fiche collar of black net. Blue and white figured cotton was won by Mist Patricia Wats, n. Ae. ws, STUDYING Alan Warren's portrait of Miss Margo Coles at the National Art Gallery lost night are Mr. and Mrs. Laurence West, of Fairfield. (*DIGRAPH," Brisbane, Q'Id. .11111T G.ILLER ST_ITEMENT IlliSef.81111 ttttt I II Ili u,l Arg tritooti.1.14 at sou time Diesel aiuhirel at, invi- tation [ran, the thatch boorerttiott.til for I III. ttirevitor f Ur, nether. !fairies, leo Illallto /Its II I that 1.irre.rarnireir's experear. S. I prgiamosa said 1041111. MI 1'111: Let's n lllu ti II'r11 -ell atmounccincni I/I, Ile - 11a11 E 1-I Ir 1!,,1t.e, It1N'11110 1 lit' 11;111.1111 1,1 ltH 1141P-.11 lot 1111 H .iilole NI. II, Ii' absenee. ; lint I 1 -lame, flfi V1`111',' I1 lilt, It.: 1111(1 :111t/.1.(1 ),) lull pay truest Atip11,1 I I lit .,Ili 1.t1 .I tvil.(1 by tilt, N, lit,tituti. lot. .1:: III I'1:I tliut lift!, should carry on t ithout ;I durr- tur' chirmg lets alt -cm,. Mr. Feet_:11,011 that lilt. lilt )1.0 ion 'till), front II), NH lail(1, 111,1 if ill( nu 11//n, had i1.< from the [co GOVel'.- 1111e111 let 1111 Illeee101' It .:'it that Col '111111(41i s esP,11,1's r It had brit; ) (Tin it 111 r. Haines had been ai- med a scholarship Sti.t- idiSed by the t)iiteli Got - 'rnuietlt with ail expciee 'aid by the insiaule hill 'our. hilt it could not lit arranged tel short not It lint( been offerucl lee, I the- year, but Ille lit, mourns' leas^ of abs.u, necessary to (over the -is weeks' course wit, I. fused I NIr. Ferguson solo :II 111,4(.1-S were fully iippn ivi of Mr. FL.1111',' `I'Vlees and resolved, aft till consideration, that h. application could floc I, il'a n COURIER -MAIL" BriShane, Trustees answer- THE Trustees of the A Queensland Not- ional Art Gallery, after full inquiry into tiw tart- ; nets matter. raised in your newspaper under the head- ing. "Art Di reeler refusen leave on Scholarship" IC. -M.. It 1 351, and the letter 10 the Editor of J. V. Dithig tin whirh it woo stated that the Dutch Gov- ; eminent had 'inviter' Mr. Robert Haines at, their ceo t srhninr- alit the farts. which are as fol- lnws- 1 I Mr. Robert Haines. after 3' years' service as Dircctor. Qtiernsland National Ail (3.1iiery, ap- plied to t he Ilrusters for (111 (1011 pay, Irnnt April C August 31. 1953, to attend ft StX weeks' snmmrrr et1111*Se Otfervd by thr Netherlands Institute for All History. 2, Mr. Haines nronosed I "that the gallery should ; carry on without a direr - tor" during his absence. I 'file invitation came from the Netherlands In- stitute for Art History and never at any time have the Trusters Aelitcd ant' invitation from the'__ Dwell Government to the director to visit Holland at that. Government's ex- pense. The Trustees are fully appreciative of the ser- vices of the Director and resolved, after hill con- sideration. chat Mr. Hatnrc., annlu r,l Inn ',mild 1101 he (ranted E. A, Vet cuson. rhairman. /. .11111 Q1d.