Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

"TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Qh.l. Ghosts lured by art music he %hosts of some of itreararre's early music - mate.. tuna bare come (runt [Mir ittitimient In the rcres-, ct fhb last night umbel' the mounts of ,t string tingles'', and a chamber grim !mimed through the iiti Its zantior In an merit arrativral u. doctor of the Symphony (50 John Farnswor;. is also a no !ior excrnt ice til formed Art (1;c1, a "Friend.. orear:,,nrai of tnic,, . ,roes n bee W, b11111/i/l!' j brute 11114 le- els milt .4 for their I:tray-scale oncert Duda Mr. Fa rnswor r Hall's direction, a string 01. chrstra, lid by Cecil 1.31.10 1)111Y111 1)11`1,ti uy Mozart. Bach, and Heniamin Britten with precision and stood tone; a suite for flute u.as fluently played by James Carson, with Hilda Woolmer accompany- ing. and a 13raluns Trio for piano. violin ano horn was contributed by Hilda Wool - nice, Cecil Berri and Kevin Watford. Experimental though it may have been, tMr occasion was so successfully concluded that It is to be hoped that there will be more such col- hEkwc AGefs. arts.- From "BULLETIN," 011..,l..;;.: %I a til .v -e H. C. Richards !Memorial Prize of I(X) (founded in memory of l'iniessor Richards, who was a chairman of trustees of the Queensland National Gallery) goes this year to TM In Ronielf kir his land- scape "A Northern Road." A painter of fresh and distinctive landscapes full of sunlight. Rowell, a Yarrasider, started his prize -collecting early-winning, while still at the National Gallery School in Melbourne, seven first and two second prizes in annual competitions. In close on 40 years of serious painting he's got himself into most of the Australian capital-city galleries, exhibited in London and Paris. and served on committees of most of the important art societies in Australia, being a foundation -member of the Australian Academy of Art. Now 57. he's interrupted his painting with two breaks of teaching, having been art - master at both Melbourne Tech. and mmar. "TELEGRAPH" From Brisbane, Qld. E 1111111101th 101 Ind. Gallery F .."1 rnr enumous codecr,c,, o wealthy , o Br.sbor,e at the end No. eo,b0 r.,,, ,,erited to the .Queens,,,,,a Not,o»nt ttetthein, ci London, its (I token "' ;Mr. R. Howes). ,,,, England. they ore ., be tromed and mounted and moil r Crootopher Wocd, Sircidoby, and Gammon, o French gamier. n,o ve Eit,sbone. Mrs. Weetheon oer Woad COO. t), ,vend. the Tote Golfe, and lela has made gilts to it tree bun .1 Vat) .here and horned ,t .orc From From "TELEGRAPH" "WEST AUSTRALIAN," Perth, W.A. Art Directors To Confer In This State "COURIER MAIL" see art in train Almost I 0 0, 0 0 0 people In all corners of ; the Stale have seen Queensland's Jubilee Art Train. Currying 51 paIntares trot Queensland National Ar Gallery. 80 photographs, an a 2000 -volume model chll rtren'a library, the train ha been touring the outback fo eight months Many travelreo up to 10 miles to see the train. whirl will return to Brisbane to morrow. It. will be open t the public here from No comber 10-30. The Education Minister ,Mr. Devriesi said in Par- liament last night that. the Government would maintain Ihr train for periodic visits throughout Queensland Prize picture The 100 -guinea prize painting In the Henry Cas- ein Richards memorial prize competition - a North Queensland scene by Victor- ian artist John Rowell-will be displayed In the Govern- ment Tourist Bureau win- dow to -day. Queensland National Gal- lery Trustees. who have ar- ranged to display the pic- ture with other entries in the competition, for a week only. will offer 100 guineas Irwin next year for the winning ml. The first conference of directors of State art galler- ies would be held at the Perth Art Gallery from November 20 to 24, the curator stf the gallery (Mr. 1. Cook) said yesterday. Such conferences were a re- latively recent development, he said. arising partly from the crowing practice of acquiring loan collections of overseas art and sharing them amine Australian galleries. Representatives of other States would be Messrs. Dory Lindsay (Victorian National Gallery). Robert Campbell (Adelaide National Gallery and former curator of the Perth Art Gallery) and Robert thine.: (Queensland National Gallery). It was hoped that the direc- tor of the New South Wales National Gallery (Mr. Hal Nlissinghatin would return from an overseas tour in time to attend. Brisbane, Old. SOCiel, ass sort model Ilse Direct.' at the Queensland National Art flatlet, Nr. It. Ilan tesl sets mouth still tell IIIP trustees at the Perth I:al- ters all al t the National Simietv oltieh 55as formed herr recently. Ile sold todav the Perth tballery intended to form a similar stbeiet and hr had been asked to Rive a tall, on the 00110 as formed here. Ile still do this dorimt his visit to Perth for the Annual eimferenee of Directors. at Stale Art flat - limb.. mom N0%1'1111114' :2.'1 10 Mr ,,lie., stud petiole had indicated that they meshed to I ' the , ...lest lure and this neck he had sent out member- ship forms lib them ()doses Ishint: lei 11011 110111d 4901 - tart him. Ile added that many cities and loons in Vita - land and Imeriea had imilar varlet IPS. of is It let, Urnr sir powerful: t hat their galleries had bran built op entirely thrum:la the variety. Ilaines will leave. for Perils on November 161 dad ....turn on November 24. "TELEGRAPH" French work in rf display t CLAUD landscape dral1'- ' ing will be one of the features of the .01hction of 50 drawina,, rlcirn,, . and my. to he shown in the print at the QIIPCIIR- and National Art Gallery on Claud Lorrain. famous 'renell artist of the 17th sntirry, was noted for his beautiful light and cloud et' - tech in landscapes In the Italian classical tradition. The work has been lent to the Art Gallery by a Bris- bane owner. The worlds arc uy Austra- !Inn and Continental artists. Some of them have not been shown here fur some Hine is gill be the first °cep - rarer nn which the print room teas been used tot the purr. :iii).1sucle(fior whirl) it wits M- tn August. the room was ..,(1 to display the Jubllen tbltinn and entries In tite ID nry -elli Richards and i .1 memorial prim show now. Art Cutlery- trusteed' have decided to award the Richards prize of MO guineas lor a landscape again next year I