Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

Brisbane, Old. ART OF GRANDMA MOSES, 95, HERE GRANDMA Muse, is the most extraor- dinary celebrity of present-day art. She is 95 - and still painting. Completely un- trained, she painted her first picture at IR. And she is one of the very few American art- ists to win world fame. To -morrow, for the last time, one Of her paint- ings will be' on public view in Brisbane. 3/ TO SEE IT It will be shown in the Lord Mayor's room, City Hall, to -morrow night and Wednesday night, starting at 8 o'clock. Admission charge to see it will be 5'. The woolen's auxiliary of the National Gallery Society of Queensland is organising the showing with the object of rais- ing funds to buy the painting. Then they will present it to the Queensland National Art Gallefr.as the g-rit rery's first Ameri- can painting. NEW ENGLAND The painting, a New England landscape in the "primitive style" for which Grandma Moses is now famous, is entitled "In IMO." By ROGER COVELL Grandma Moses A lecture on the paint- ing will be given by Brisbane artist Mrs. Pamela MacFarlane. A film will be shown of Grandma Moses' life. None of the money so raised will go to Grandma Moses at her farmhouse in Eagle Bridge, New York State. In response to a request by the chair- man of the women's auxiliary 1Mrs. Arthur Wade herself American - born, Grandma Moses has decided to give the money to a charity as a mark of appreciation for hos- pitality received by American servicemen here during World War II. TO CHARITY She stipulates that the money should be equiva- lent to that paid for a painting by any well- known Australian artist. The Montrose Crippled Children's Home is the charity chosen. Grandma Moses' paint- ing shows a prosperous scene of well -kept 'barns, trim houses, a white church, and rich grazing pastures stretching away to a fold of hills. It is Arcadia as a child might see it, fresh, tender, making the viewer smile with pleasure. In New York. similar pictures sell for from about E530 to E1330 each, 800 PICTURES She has painted more than 800 pictures. Christmas cards of her pictures have sold in millions. Her business is now handled by an or- ganisation called "Grandma Moses Proper- ties, Inc." She is a wealthy woman. She has two honorary University doctorates and -what means much more to her-eleven grand- children and seventeen great grandchildren. c ARA "IN 1800" . . . by Grandma Moses "MORNING HERALD" Sydney, N.S.W. . * * GIAT PIC It HE ins GRA 'SIM N1GSFS ott slot ht Itrishane al 5' a lime io raise fonds to but the paini- ing for the Queensland Na- tional Gaiter". Cirarolnia \loses. nets tic, ',tatted to paint II hen she was 75 The painting in lirishrnie is a New England I.ind scare in the .0Ie" for which ,ra stints \lose, is nuts f:nnnu,. II i, entitled. "In 18111) GIFT FOR TRUST GIFT CHEQUE for 100 guineas for the Eliza- bethan Theatre Trust be- ing received by actress Judith Anderson yester- day from Mr. Stewart Gus*, chairman of direc- tors, R. M. Gow and Co.,! Pty., who made the i r estfirtAtion on behalf of Miss Anderson yeater-: day viewed Brisbane's Grandma Moses painting back stage in her dressing rooms at His Majesty's Theatre while preparing for her last performance here. The painting, "In 1800," by American celebrity Grandma Moses, aged 95, will eventually hang in the Queensland National Art Gatlety as ' 'the gallery's first American painting. GALLERY NEED "When arc you going to get a new art gallery here?" Miss Anderson asked, when Mrs. Arthur Wade brought the paint- ing from the City Hall for her to see. "You need a new modern gallery where working people can drop in to spend a few minutes with beauty like this --a gallery in the busy city, not out of the way." " TELEGRAPH," GRANDMA'S ART AIDS CHILDREN The Montrose flume for Crippled Children will benefit Irons an exhibition of a painting by Grandma Moses al the. National Art Gallery .tonight. The programme for 95-yettr-old American the evening includes the artist whose paintings presentation of a have won world ac- cheque representitig the claim. She Is completely proceeds of the ex untrained. Lion. to the treasurer The Mandan which is of the home from to be exhibited tonight Grandma Moses and will eventually be Ke- ller agent. Mr. Otto rented to the Queens- Kellir, of the Galerie land National .Art Gal - St. Etienne. New York. lery. chairman of the Slides of more of Women's Auxiliary of Grandam Moses' Paint - the National Gallery ines said coloured slides Society. A. Wade, of 'Primitive' paintings and other mbers of by other artists will be the count .e will shown so that a coin - !,:11.1.1 Lady firaelt, parison may be made. will open the ex- A film of Grandma lobo ion. Moses' life will include Grandma Moses Is is many of her paintings