Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

AS, "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Aid. - 7 NOV 19b:, a Her V head 101. Europe THE director of the 1 Queensland National Art Gallery .Mr. Robert Haines, has had his term of appointment extended for live years. 11,. Mr. l A. 1,-,,,11: 011 . lir :WI Ille truster. had a I..o grant eel ;i1r Flames four month,' leave from De- cember 14, to enable him to study abroad. Sir. flames look up the directiir,hip of the Art Ciallery in 1951. Aims of trip 111r. Flame, >aal iii I main his oversew, trip would have three purposes: To study the lain; fl,,- VrlopM1111:, u, European mitt and art. galleries. To find out what pictures were offering and what prices were being paid. To establish or re-establish I,Ver,VOS Volltart.N (Or buying or advisor.,* purpose,. tic would vat the prowl - pal gallerir: in Spain. Britain, France, Italy, and (AMATO. He would also visit, Istan- bul Con,t a atinople I to study it.. architecture. C) return to Australia 110 kk ',old 0;11011 III) With de- \ elopilients ut Other All:. galleries before turning to Brisbane. "C RIER MAIL" Brisbane, Aid A general likeness... THE Brisbane Arts Theatre hopes no one will recognise the portrait of "General Gabler." The portrait, from the Queensla,nd National Art Gallery, still hang on stage in the Albert Hall to -night during the B.A.T. production of Ibsen's "Iledda ,abler." It will be there as the portrait of Iledda'? father. General Gabler, and was chosen because of its likeness to the pro- ducer's conception of General Gabler. But the portrait Is actually that of a Queensland 'r. The B.A.T. ha. Insured the picture for f500. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Aid WORKS ON ART PANEL paintings on lire art panel in crier vestibule. thi aro Its' 11111 Ashton'. Iwtiter S. Inrector of 1114; , OU( 111.., are "Sopel. Prance" the thicensland Are ni 11, :1110 31r...1, 5. Ile. "II hale Ilea, li, s (lent the 4,11,1- 1.,1 Ganef-, "la" itiroutor ,if lo s. tinllrriif x.s 11 p:7_ Ili. laid a 1% ,tnic pH, in I, .1,141 .1.111,iii himself enlirels In 1.1.;;1 Ili lii to ts nIt. to 14 1 ;I ,11,:i the so trI, of (rt., in Pill 1..1 Ser. sire l0 10p Han Art. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Ald ;45f. Find joy in art 'prints' 11, brririo imoilivr OIVNING originol painting by one 01 the (anions modern mas- ters is quite out Or the ordinary eitizeie% reach. Yet tor four Or flit' he t an buy an excellent largr- alp, print, which will give much joy. Those who Mid minitati paint Inc= "hard in under- stand" or even "ugly" mlalo toll Inter It a worthwhile cs- pco intent In live for a whit, atilt such a print and sec whether they could get Haile relit; lot to II and eventually end up be liking it. Southern National Art. Galleries possess large ,n1- iftrtirm.. of prints. which, suit- ably ;ranted. they loan In helionl, and country centres upon application. Huge success I hear !hat this scheme Is ft huge ',level, crying nerd for our own National Oallcry to venture on a like enterprise. People interested in print c wi fairll find a choler in the reopened Johnstone Gallerv. Availably there at the moment are repoduellons of paintings be Cearallne, Derain. Duly, Felninaer, Frances tionakine, Paul Nash, Pluas,n, Kandinski. Firmatill. Rousseau. Mntliew Smith. Sutherland, Van rAlligell, Van Gogh. ChrSomope t,thof the e prind ts oer ood, an oth5... i.erre recent issues. rl Prr lc! CHILDREN'S JOY SHOWN IN PAINT " TELEGRAPH," Art display rut, od. by children at Gallery 11 iris 11 the 1,41e "I u n nil chiliit co. w 110 attend the creallic art class held at the N., iona I Gallery. it ill br on display al ihe tialler, will tie on ills- ph .it the (1.1111.1 1'111111 Fella;,' to January 9. sit bnunl w.11 rt t) the mint loam ,,t it.: Gallery. II mclitcles SAI't 1:11 Ili, I,. .1111, y01111O tutuNs t,ua., Iron) '7 ,years to 14 titts They ;It runt a eh,' 01 willitted and einiehietec tor many ye:u by Vida Lahey. Since bliss l'OSOttlillit)11 II !. I It 0* It 1)(4,11 1111(101 111, (ill I. - 11011 of 311 Os. 'Mill ',di,i NIeNeil lona to DISPLAY OF ART A 11 The picture might not - come up to the standard of the Old Masters-but in their own field-they drew just about as much attention. Children of the Art Class at the Queensland National Art Gallery exhibited their work today. TELEGRAPH, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1955 2 "COURiER MAIL" Brisbane, Aid. 111 cllrrnt!DE SOMFTI11N(. or I he ell.joyinritt children feel when expressing themselves in paint can he shared by MOM' e110 Will visit the exhibition "Children Are Artists" now open for lour weeks at the National, Art Gallery, The paintings arc the in horses and farm animals Icebergs, ships, and whales work of specially gifted chit- its well as a love of nature. went into a charming effort drew, ranging in age from IL is astounding haw sorts of f=gr1141riFillitri;zing 7 to 14, who are attending of airwomen; and action 111111 ragouts, it basket with [cult, the childeen's art class spun- how well they fit the anti- almost refined with its cored by the trustees of the victual shapes atilt et -flours muted colour scheme con - into the general si icon,. trusted with bright yellow, Large mural in "Interior Scene" (Chit- a charming feeling for mood Men grouped around a fire- talnation and to express Colourful banners, shields place), soar intriguingly ex- hemselves boldly and freely. and RI'11101.,N evidently pressive "portraits." 1111d paintings inspired by abor- he co-operative work of six hie -the Australian Scene." caught. imagin"ti" I/Mal art, are line proofs of boys who worked out wmt gifted children can girls, shows a particular in- another large mural design achieve nder expert guld- erest of young Australians i"The War of the Rases," since. Guided wisely by Mrs. Mc- Neill, the children are en- iotiraged to use their im-