Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

IIFFICIAL OPENING of The Australian II omen's Weekly Porrait Prise Exhibition at the Queensland National Art fiallerY are inerested spectators. from left. Mrs. I'. C. Bair. mile of the Premier. Mr. and Mrs. E..4. Ferguson. Or. and .Mrs. Norman Behan. and Mr. Hobert Haines. Mrs. Criir performed the official opening ceremony. SOCIAL JOTTINGS DIPED FROlf:h in pink and whit, Ira. worn I,. Rogolintl intoner. who lor brother. 11.m. rirus portrait Qtn.,.0.1and artist limn fin" sic, DISCUSSING THE P4INTING.S at The Australian Women's 11 erkly Exbibiti JJJJ are Mrs. Olivia Barsatti (left). her niother. Airs. A. hlanchard. and artist Sall Hernian, wham portrait "Naomi" is nmang the fifty pictures on show. /MINI! NE ,IiiTIST itr. lattoragter frith A1rs. 31111rolin Atirseldine (lef) and Mrs. Brian toreridge. Mr. 1.attrnonr it 0 truster of the 41,1