Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

'TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Ald. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Aid. DIRECTOR RETURNS Modern gallery for city urged The Queensland Notional Art Gallery director )Mr. Robert Haines) returned to Brisbane today more convinced than ever that Queensland must build o modern art gallery. Mr. Haines witi has c -tad in the gallery here. been overseas for six and who presented a months, ha, visited art , painting Mt acly EP- galleries in Italy. Switzer- s te n's s ion, Theodore land, Paris. London. Garman, to t Spain. and Sicily. land Gallery through Mr, "We must build a Haines. modern art gallery herc with proper faeinties for lectures, films and temporary exhibitions, as well as for shun Inc Mr. Haines also ob- tained a small group of inmortsua contemporary whitings with a sum made availabe to him by our permanent collet- the trustees of the gal -1 tion." he raid lery while he was in Lon-' Mr. Haines said that 'don there had been enormour 'rhe paintings included changes in galleries over- work by English artists seas. since the war. Sickert, Christoper Wood. The tendency now Harold Oilman Spencer to show fewer ta int Inv, Gore and Sir Matthew but of higher quality. Smith. FOOTNOTE: Mr. Haines said his first im- pression on returning to Australia was that Aus- While overseas Nfr tralian women were still Haines met the sculptor smart-apart from their Epstein. who was inter- hats. Painting was presented "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Gild. 7 JUN 1956 Art Gallery THE worst thing about 'the shortcomings of a city.i is that they may come to be ac- cepted as either normal or in- evitable. The director of the Queensland National Art Gal- lery (Mr. Robert Haines) has performed a public service, on his return from overseas, by drawing attention once again to the fact that the Gallery's present quarters are inade- quate. There are two ways to get new quarters for the Gallery: Either by converting an exist- ing building of sufficient size or by erecting a completely new structure. Both pro- cedures must be expensive. If a comely old building could be found ready for con- version, enthusiasm for the project would certainly mount. But the public must show that it is willing to pay for the benefit of a bigger, better, and more central Gallery. From JUN o549 "MAIL," Welcome pAirris (MATTI:R.-Next isbane, Qld. Tuesday's meeting of the Nat1.11A I [taller,' will s welcome home to IP, Collet y rhrrct Mr. Rnhri Ha It1P1,, IWt hark' I owl abroad . I I lllll I I I 1 llllllll 11 III 1 lllllllll I In Director to lc seek new art gallery THE Queensland National Art Gallery director (Mr. Robert Haines) re- ; turned yesterday from visiting the world's greatest art galleries-deter- ' mined to agitate for a new gallery in Brisbane. "We must have a more central, up-to- date gallery," he said. Mr. Haines has spent the last five months on a study tour, visiting S ngapore, Colombo, Cairo, Genoa, Switzerland, Paris, London, Spain, and Italy. He said yesterday: "We must start the old agitation for a new gallery here. "People interested in the gallery could start collecting funds. If the Government saw sufficient people were interested, there is every reason to think we might get more Government support." "Will react" Mr. Haines said there was a strong tendency through- out Europe to return towards representational art. In the next 10 years we will see a reaction against the abstract," he said. Picasso was still the most important figure in Euro- pean painting. He led the contemporary market. "His work brings from £1000 for a drawing." Mr. Haines said. Lack space Mr. Haines returned "armed with loads of notes and catalogues." "A great deal is being done overseas with descrip- tive notes and catalogues to give people more informa- tion, much the same as we are doing in Australian gal- leries," he said. "But in terms of our own gallery here, with every idea / have seen which is worth- while and important. we come up against the same problem-we have not got the space." he added. New works "We should be able to show the permanent collec- tion all the time for coun- try visitors and people from other States. We should also have exhibition gal- leries in use all the time. "We need space for talks, lectures, and films. But we haven't got it and we have no space for an art museum." In England Mi. Haines ought paintings by Sicken it Matthew Smith, Chris- topher Wood, Harold Gil- man, and Spencer Gore for the Queensland gallery. The gallery also received a gift from Sir Jacob and Lady Epstein of a painting by Lady Epstein's sun. Theo- dore Garman. who died last ear, "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Aid. ir Art Gallery director comes he 'menext week "TELEGRAPH" 7 1:1, Brisbane, Aid, Makeshift AMODERN art gallery is one of Brisbane's out- standing deficiencies. So far we have had to make do with premises designed for other purposes; that may be all right as a temporary measure, but this is the capi- tal city of the State and it is time some move was made to provide for the cultural needs of its half -million or so people, The Director of the Art Gallery, Mr. Haines, has come back from his recent trip abroad with new ideas and rekindled enthusiasm. His hope that something will be done soon to display the city's art treasures in more fitting surroundings will be widely echoed. -4(011 THE director of the Queensland National Art Gallery (Mr. Robert Haines) is due back in Brisbane in the Italian liner, Sydney, next Tuesday. He has been abroad since Genoa, then ihrnugh Sw1::- last December. zerland and France In Eng- He has seen the main land. From there he re - art galleries- private and turned to the Continent public-hi all the English fi complete tour of Spain, and European cities which Italy. mid Sicily. he has visited. His mother, Mrs. E, displa In additions t n herat inn, a nd has studied Haines, of St. Lucia, said y, re preservation of paintings. !last night that he "teas full of Ideas for BEfsbanp.,, Mr. Haines steal first to "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, 121d. 12 JUN 1958 WELCOME TO DIRECTOR Members of the Queensland Nat tonal Gallery Society offici- ally welcome home the Gallery Director. Mr. Robert Haines with a party tonight at the gallery, The society president. Mr. Russell Cuppaidge. will speak on behalf of members and Mr. Haines will give a short talk on his recent trip abroad. A large attendance of members is expected and the ladies' com- mittee will provide supper.