Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

'4,1 tit 1:1 AUSTRALIAN PRESS CUTTINGS From men,outee, vicioii., "COURfER MAIL" Brisbane, Q1d. 3 AUG Gallery party 'MORE than 400 people attended a reception given last night at the Queensland National Art Gallery for visiting directors of State Galleries. Guests were received by the chairman of trustees of the (Queensland National Art Gallery 'Mr. E. A. Fer- usoni and Mrs. Ferguson. 4 to. 1904 5 'Phone, MU 5133 AUSTRALIAN PRESS CUTTINGS From Melbourne, Victoria "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Ald. 190'1 'Phone: Mi 5133 AUSTRALIAN PRESS CUTTINGS Melbourne, Vii.tot,a "TELEGRAPH" Brisbane, Ald, WAY OPEN "FOR ART IMPOSTOR" As there was no way of defining art the way was open to exploitation by charlatans and exhibitionists, the Director -General of Education !Mr, H. G. Watkin said today. However. limn any Openme the conference, Fete of exhibitionism J1r Watkin sid "I feel first . there generally emerged taidressinyf.al et'lliv-on a something worthy of :411)41 I of filth I know handing oil to the next He said Australia. M- lle was addressing five though 1, young country, national a r t gallery had a great deal of which directors who are havinv to be proud in respect to 'their annual conference, in Brisbane. its art galleries. particu- They are MessrS. Robert hart' those in the South. Haines (Queensland). Hal -We are in a very MIssingham (NSW'. Eric modest way in Queens - Westbrook 1 Victoria land but hoe made Lawrie Thomas ; Western marked imp) ovement dur- Australia'. and Dr. W. Ink 'lie List low Bryden (Tn. ii; ice stud. generation, he said. COCKTAIL OUTING FOR ' ART GALLERY VISITORS A cocktail party will give visiting National Art Gallery directors an opportunity to meet the authors and artists of Brisbane. It will be given by the president (Mr. E. .1. A. Weller, aad members ef the Royal Queens- land Art Gallery in the City Building tonight. - - --- - A STER a three from Guests, who will in - months' visit to her elude Rockhampton, visitors T 0 o- :other and sister-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Banks. at Dunelra. Blacken. Mrs. F. H Anderson tuts returned to Clayfield._ TELEGRAPH, WEDNESDAY, JUNE tl, 1936,1 Paintings gift to,' ',new art gallery! Archbishop Duhig said today that when Queensland had a new, modern art gallery he would present his very valuable collec- tion of paintings to it. "This gallery is long ously entirely inadequate. overdue." said His Grace We need a new gallery. "When it comes-btu not until then -1 shall be situated centrally on the happy to give my paint- sk Is of the city where tines." Archbishop Duhig was .1'. f land is avail- comrnening on yesterda v gallery needs to 'report of the return from be put in a proper setting, overseas of the director and not converted front of the Queensland an existing old building,1 tonal Gallery (Mr. Robes i Mr. Cuppaidse sal& Haines urging a new I ha t he would like to see gallery. Queensland with a gallery. Both Mr. R. Cuppaidge. similar to two he saw President of the Queens- I a trip abroad. One was at; land National Gallery So- Honolulu, placed on a cletY and Mr. L. .1 magnificent piece of Middleton. newly-elected ,ground. The other was Mel president of the Half- Kroner Muller gallery lin Dozen Group of Artists. ! Holland, set in a natural! supported Mr. Haines park. MR. MIDDLETON: We Mr, Melville Haysom,' (have all contended ft): the Telegraph art critic. ;years that the ralhoc WP said: "We need a new art have is not in lieeoirr. gallery. because any civic with a city like Brisbane centre should have some-, 1The trustees have done thin- ....ell worthwhile." I the best. they can with -111c City Council will the bunchily they have. 1411,. all possible co- Ibut it is entirely unsuit- operation lit the wish; able in location and 1.slanent of a new Not - 'construction. Iona! Art Gallery." the ruPPAIPGF: The L u r d Mayor (Aid. present building is obvi- Groom said today. m a and nearby country centres will be received by Mr. and Mrs. Weller, assisted by Mn,, Konrad Hirschfeld and members of the women's social com- mittee. lllll 'New art building is Old need I; QUEENSLAND "defin- ": Rely needed" a new' National Art Gallery; Boase said In Brisbane yesterday. building, Dr. T. S. "Your cultural activities: are grossing so rapidly here that facilities will have to keep pace with them," he said. Dr. Bosse is e Magdalen Col ford, and a leading world authority on art. Ile was formerly chairman of the National Art Gallery, London. lieisvi it- tag Australiait:Indenrt; auspices of the British Memorial Fund, deliver- ing public lectures in art at Universities and art galleries. Yesterday he called on Queensland National Art flattery director Mr. Robert Haines' anti was shown through the art gallery. TlIN) "Although the building has been neatly converted. It Is too small. Queens- land needs a new gallery built on modern lines, Dr. Roam, said. "Mr. Haines Is doing ex- cellent work ultit the re- sources at his disposal. and the gaiters ermtains a well chosen collection of Australian pictures." lllll tilt OO 1111111 PH" Brisbane, Aid. ART LECTURE Members of t. h Queensland National Art Gallery Society will attend a lecture at the Art Gallery this evening to be given by Mr. T. S. R. Boase. pre- sident of Maccialt n Col- lege. Oxford. The title of Mr. Boise's lecture is "As- pects of 19th Century English Art."