Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 1 : Presscuttings, 1959-1962

ABOVE: The Director of the Queensland National Art Gallery, Mr. Robert Haines. points to some of the recon- struction done on the painting. "Eli and Samuel." The Painting is attributed to Tit Ian a famous 16th century artist. The painting is thought to he an original. Brisbane. Old. TWO 'OLD MASTERS' MAY BE GENUINE Brisbane, Qld. YSTERY ARTISTS N GALLERY SHOW Mystery surrounds the identity of some of the artists whose works are being displayed nt the Queensland National Art Gallery, which has reopened. ,1 i1/ It 1. ,. I, II oh., 1.1 1.1 "41,11..11 01 lill I r.1 111.1s 11111..1 .1111/11/11 .11111 11111 stall11i1114 Ii Orli, ha +r 61111 1114,11 111 of Ihr sii1111.11 till .11111 (VA i 1111111 III ill.. 11111 111S1/110 11111 /1 1111 11.1 1111,l1 1111111 I. 11111,111,1 11 11,11 ,,ors '111 :II 1 1111.114, Ill 13111,1, ,1111 IIvn;11 )111,1 1 III! 1.11(11111 11114,, ' n. I .1 111. I 101;,., 1.1111141,, pi Ill) 1/1111111'11 by 17111 Ihitch .1!i 1.1. pur ha .i.11 Ir. ; 111 I tihtN Work by Titian? Eli Juni I. 11/1,1:11./1 .1) 1. 11)1111 11 111 40'1111. 1:11 11- 1/11 11 1.1 111'1' 11.1111111 11/11/.11.1' 111111 till/. 1,1 0,1 11111.11;111 11,111111 1 anti '1 11111'1 1 Ill 1 Ili ,,;k and 1/itiii Limo rilit.114 11.1(111 01 An 05,01 1:1101uin ;11.; loth ecnior inn nilMo. .Ire 01,0 .10,a n by InlitinaI l,Irh itiitucrs. Ilnr ,f tin; feature. 01 Oil; distil:I, I. "% 'rein .11111 11.1 .1;111 1111 "curet. W111111 1111./. 1/11111 111:1111/11 1/3 1 "OLD masters" attributed to Titian and his Tintoretto, hanging in the Q land National Art Gallery may be genuine. This is the opinion of the Director (Mr. Robert Hahwat, who has hnd the paintings partly surface - cleaned and re -hung in the gallery The two paintings are "Eh and Samuel." attributed to Titian 1148R-15761. and "David Lamenting the Death of Absolom." attributed to Tintoretto 1151R -1594i Mr. Haines said yesterday both lie and well-known Sydney artist. Donald Friend who was recently in Italy. had studied the paint- ings carefully and had come to the conclusion thnt .hey were originals. This was particularly clear In the Tintorettn canvas he said. There was o certain looseness in detail ;around the ttirhan which no copyist would imitate. "COURIER MAIL" varisbane, Old. Select art trustees Professor J. J. Stable, Pro- fessor R. P. Cummings. and Messrs. C. H. Lancaster and C. 0. Gibbs had been re- appointed Queensland Nn- ttonnl Art Gallery trustees, the Public Instruction Min- ister IMr. Geodes) nn- nounced yesterday. The Royal QueenslandArt Society president thlr. C. M. B. Van Honirigh), and the Half Dozen Group of Artists president 'Mr. F. Sherrill) had been appointed trustees for the first time in place of Messrs. W. G. Grant and E. Colclough, who died during their period of appointment. Mr. Devries said the period of appointment for the trustees would be for two years from December 9, 1051. This pnintine, together with "Eli and Samuel" and two others. has been re - framed and re -hung in the front alcove of the gallery. The others paintings are. "The Holy Fnmlly" 'Dutch 17th century. artist un- known I and "Madonna an Child With Flowers." h. Daniel Zeghers 11591-11,1,11 The entire gallery has beet most attractively re -hung with re -framed pictures selected by Mr. Haines from the gallery's W.L. iii. :. I :ell 11'111 1.. .and to 1/.. "11\lrenorls %Anatole." Ilu flrI fn. I..'' 11.i 11.111 [Is I 1, 1.. 1 11111 111/ 111,14.0 .11.41 /11111' .11 1.11 by I do 1111 1 II' i'1'1111 III 1 u-111411 holm 1114 11111'11'11. it 1 ,1111.1 iilitrI 11111 "COURIER MAIL," Crowds see 3risbane, Old. "masters" Crowds hove been visit- ing Queensland's National Art Gallery to see two r paintings thought to be old masters. Tin; paintings are "Eli and Samuel." attributed to Titian. a Pith century master, and "David Lament- ing the Death of Absolom," said to be by Titian's pupil, Tlntoretto. Also hanging in the gal- lery art. three paintings of the Dutch school purchased in 1895 and now cleaned and refrained. Five works by Australian ! painters bought from Miss rreweeke's £2000 bequest ; also are on show. ; All paintings in the gal- : lery are in reconditioned it frames. Brisbane, Old. OUICK LOOKS THE, STUDIO 1November, 1951, laud, Britain's best-known ern magazine, contains in this issue an attractive and illuminat- ing article on arranging flowers with pictures by Robert Haines. Director of the Queensland Na- tional Art Gallery. The article Is illustrated with two pictures, one In colour showing an arrange- ment of anthureums with moss and rocks In a Chinese porcelain bowl, volt h Donald Friend's painting of "The African Boy" for background. Other articles in this Issue cover book bindings, Moroccan terracottns. colour etchings. mid the Royal Sco Acadein E .%ii rchihltims of Etielili staler colours 111 by .lawn in Itrishane nest .%pril will Include ts orks Irons the enormous collection of the King. His collection is One the most important in England. The outer colours, %%Inch will lie displayed in Bris- bane for a month, still be eshibited in all States. The rshibition is being arranged by the Empire Art !mans soviets and mill cover the period fr 11150 to 1914. 'Else director of the ()Iiret:land Notional Art Galley,. Mr. Robert Baines oho has lust returned ti a eon Ferenc. or gaiters cheerios.. in Perth, a ttttt 11141 Illi. today. hies said the 41111 14/111111.1. 111111 1114,111/11 tlsa 1 All CNIIi111111111 1,1 conleinporar% .%unl rah: rt .111111111 be sent In the Illon in .11:11% ill 1911. ill A1116111111 ill 1:11111 ..11111 1111. 1 11i11.11 Sl . 011114' 111...ii1111% ;11 1 Ilei 11111114,1/11111/ PIT - %PIM,/ 111 01 1111' Iii1.11111 t11111 a ill, .11/.4r:11i:ill Sri is,.,, hlojeel lo the ,1111111, 111 in /1.1 e1I S11111.7 .511 P%Ililoili1111 ill l'rehi 11 ail Inc 111,111:1N 111 II Slate, nO dale IiSrd ii .5 I.., c1 tttt i11 1 hi. Id 1 lie fair I red erlek 11,1'11116in. 1.. held 111 .111 .41.111, itu 11153 ..1 1 I. 511-. 113 tot id 1 Ile 111,1 rria1dun 11 1/11111 114,1i Milli 4111T- SIMI. .11111 it% 1,11111111111i,