Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

By NANCY. .DEXTER T HE uncertainty ·surroundin'g Boroo, Is at Nerang Valley and is the attendance qf the African open at weekends for inspection and nations at the Commonwealth afternoon .teas. . ... . Games in September is not deier- ,. ., It _was se~sible t_o have:~he hol!ses rino the activity going on around -;.: on piles. ·Bmbane IS; a h!IIY area ~nd B ·"'ba . ·:,;,, it was a pract_ical _way qt _ bulld!ng. ,r ns ne. . ·,. .''During th6" · wet .seasol'I' it gives Not everybody is painting h_ls, or! ":·people somewhere to dry clothes an1, , an old-style house in Alderley, a Brisba~e ~. her, house, but many are. Not eyery- , · somewhere for the chlid1. o to play, .. 'i.· suburb. body is coming jnto the ~lly at night ·~_; ,Mr Macrossan··said. · · · · . . . : · , hut Bri~~ane is no longer..4,ea~ ,_after... . (·i:- Other comm·ents ~ere ·,ibout the. need more tnfomiilof!, m\)re co• · The gaJlery's collection Is main! dark. ·Tile G,aJ'!leS have been •· ea~~ .•: strong moves ·ln the .past five years ,~. operation, more promotion. Australian but h~s bee~ expaooed ,t _ly~ for ..11ct1v1~y~_:say .Br,l~-~~~1.i~- .. :, ~:towards people buying old, tradl-·\;_;· ., ~The travel Industry hu legit!• . . a· European section with a Rubel)s, . Old ·Brisbane Is still ther11..In , the .-..,Jlonal-style .houses. and doing them,. ,·macy It Is an enormously Important · ·.·-T1ntoretto and Van Dyck. . "· ,: . form 'of" tbe French Renalssan~ ·· up. "Ten years ago no one was in- Industry to this country. Tourism On the waterfront Is the centre's style Parliament House with I Ls ~erestcd. Queen~land people are Is a people Industry, and there I! restaurant, Ian Hankey', Fo_u·ntaln roof or Mt lsa copper (although an starting to ta·ke pn~e In things that nothing more Jmportant .than Room, so-caLle_d because It over_loo~~ IS-storey annexe was added , a f~w are Q~eensland. Brisban~ Is a lucky --.,. ·that." . · . ·· the Queen Elizabeth II. Sliver Jub1• years ago an~ ryouses th~ Leg1slat1ve ~lty with a lot ;Of magniflce~t ~fUS· .: Brisbane expeets about 20,000 vlsl• lee . fountain in the . ri:,ier. Th.!s , Is Assembly). I. 1s there Ill Old Go• mg near the centre or the city. • · · tors from overseas tor the Games, : similar .to the fountain in L&k~ ~o/• vemmen1 House, n,ow the .head- .. Mr Graham Hobbs, director of the \ · •many of whom will ' have to be ac- ·· ley Griffin In Canberra. ·,: C quarters · or the Na ,l(!na_l Trust of • northern division of the Queensland -'. ' comn'lodated in nearby coastal- re- Mr Hankey serves nothing f~un. QU_eensl~d; In ·Newstead Hou~e ;·~apter of. the Royal Australian In-•:·--·~son.s. · · . · . . He does not know rrom on,· d~y ' built beside the _Br_l_sbane · Rlver in : stltute of Architects, said that air ··.: , i." By that time the city mall will .be to the next what fish will~-- • ,lh846, nodw ope_n tob 1. th e pkubll1c ~hd ·c:onditioning was not popular In the,: .:;·coinpleted and some of the Queens• It depends on what Is fresh -111 . . • ·t e gar ens a. tu 1 f par : n_ e regional style of house. "'The clrcu• (•.: 'land Cultunl Centre, but other sec- . markeL .:; ;.' t JBosdsdh~ouse, Brr bni'1 s _ont~lllnese latlon In this type or house Is cool; I.•· 'tlons·will be built over the next few He calls hi~ restaurant an ex'pr4S• · u 1 st temp e u .t in . • and air conditioning is far too expen- years, slon of art. It was .also designed t,y ,,.. Old Brisbane Is a visit to the . sive. Ceiling fans are coming back. Toe centre Iles on the south bank Robin Gibson. Toe chairs are t!i,i'.tub 1930 Gothic clock . tow.er on the We ~ven ~•ye a,! ew punkah fans in of the rlver, Just across from North kind without legs, upholstered ~n City Hall where the ch1ldr~n start public buildings. Quay over the V_ictorla Bridge. De- terra cotta to match the carpel, The crving when the five bells or the He also defended the corrugated s1i;ned on a low-rise theme by Robin eye, not distracted by a fore,~ /bf '1/estminster c~ime~ !ing out the Iron roof-of which there are many Gibson, the buildings w!II be a stun• legs and chair backs, sweeps ,wl~- tll"l_le. Tw~lve o cloc;c 1s agon:r. Old . ln Brisbane-as being an economical ner. out obstruct1011 to the table . l<;>J>- Br1sbane 1s tales or a ghost Ill the and practical material and highly The component.I are the Queens• Wedgwood china, silver, Dartangt(m City Hall. efficient as a run-off In the days land art gallery, performing arts crystal - and to the ~cple,_. .tlie. New Brisbane l, record building when people had to · rely on water complex, Queensland museum, res- antiques and the Austrah:in .p~.i~t~. projects in tryc c_ity; it is disc~s a_nd tanks. t~urant, auditorium and State lngs. . •.. :, niihtclu-bs; 11 1s an lmaginat!v~ The women I met s~med to have library. The material ls off-white, At night t~e little glass bonsa.1 on .cultural centre; it Is an attractive a regional style, too. 11ie1r·hair was sandblasted concrete designed on each table p1cJ:ts up the gentlc •!Jg~t. carefully planned mall ln the central . longer, their make-up brlgh\er, their horizontal lines,. with gardens spill- Just as the river reflects the ..cl,ty ·shopping district; .It ls a striving to- shoes lighter and stra'ppler. You. Ing from balconies at every level - across the water. Subtlety is· ;011e :wards ia, regioqal · character or lts could ··pick a •,.smart '.;(~u~nsland the hanging gardens of Bris~ane. ~ay of showing that a person, :or;a own. · . • : · 1 ·.• · · • ·.. woman Jmmedlitely ll\' ~,. stoup· of It Is not too hard to believe the city has the confidence tp taka-; pn ·.:•,.'After the ,,.;ar . 'when Brisbane ' ~elboume women 'Just is ;~ doubt publicity: "When completed the en- the world. ~~-, ! 1 ~ndooed Its timber hou~, on sUlts they would··do vl,ce v,e1;~_i/Y; :{: ;;.. :· ' tire centre wlll transfori;n the south- . • :and Its. ,lat.~H:ed. reh1rn·. verandahs Queenslanders ••itf:•T.~s'1,-J, . the ern threshold to the ~1ty Into one Nancy Dexur wa, a guu~~!<tJ' for brlck_l)ouses with _large l!nsha~ed fastest. growln~:.S~teff.h:~~~lL r! ~~: ~~~~l,!autirul riverside areas the Brisban, Visitor, and Co~'!~ windows . ~.<\ ·. one person : brick. TI)ey .are pr,~b!¥ rlgl,l't:_.: .•~ . The State library was designed so . tloll Bureau. ::-ii) porches !)pefn to 3•the wnteffu It ~f - Senator· Ka~y Martin (Lllj., Qld.), the Jacaranda trees on the site could the start .o a ~ye~r. ec e : 0 . . said that wbet1, ; lhe .wu~.ln .pie .,US be retained. Their purple blossoms an International styl~.rot_ ~v~ .. ~It~ . .'. she · referred '.to ·Queeo!la.o~J•~ .the anct feathery rollage will become a able for the cllmat~- .;, . ',, .',- ., !; ... . California of -~~Jla;.• ,.r ::-,.f.···•;" canopy for an outdoor reading room, Things are changing, ~ccordlng to '."They understand thaL •Estlmate, setting a precedent In Australia. architect Peter Macrl:iuan who won here are that by the year 2000 the Promotions officer Jane White- an award Jut year for his '·'Qu~n.t- population of :·thls-:·State -will have oak like a proud mother, explained land hOuse of the year" with a. de- Increased by more 1han 80 per cent; the 'nearly completed art gallery, a sign more ln the llne or a traditional NSW by 28 per -cent. It. ls an exclt• neutral setting or travertine marble, house. · : · · .. .· Ing time to ·be Involved . In Queens• pale beige carpet and matching mov• ''The old designs worked for cool• land, The sky Is 'the ,llmlt," · able walls. A water mal_l, pools. or ness but they was1.ed a lo< ot space," Her regret was · that "it ls a little water, natural and artificial lighting, he said. He designed a steeply pitch• frustrating sometimes to see the lack set up a pale g)ow which .wlil en• ed roof and put a bedroom and sun- of profe.,slonal15m In : the way the hance the painting that will be on room \'! the ceilil1£...s)?!ce, The house, tourist Industry is approached. We display,