Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

The Toowoomba Ch roni cl e 7 July 19 8 2 ~~;J.~ .-A~ . °J~"~N A;r~ w,Oh ~: Pamela King -- PICTURED Is "Seven A.M. 1948": on American pointing by Edward Hopper . ,•· Qlif tultural Cent·re .'compares:.· w~ir,_~ Local Toowoomba artists will be interc5tcd 10 stt the new Queensland Cultural Centre in Brisbane which has more than twice the exhibition space of the Art Gallery of N.S.W. u w, 11 u a more generous financial budaet for the purchase of art works and for aeneral aallery expenses. Edmund Capon, director of the Art GaUery of N.S.W., who recently visited Toowoomba to judge the Royal Agricultural Show art here, hu commented upon our new Queensland Cultural Centre and says that there is "simply no comparison" between the funds available io Brisbane for this centre and tho~ avallable to the An Gallery of N.S.W. As Toowoomba citizens arc within easy driving distance of Brisbane ~ have the opportunity 10 benefit considerably from this new complex which so outshines that of some other Australian galleries and which currently offers a variety of travelling exhibi– tions. These include "The An of Edward Hopper" . Last , 1 ... ~ week 11 a party to open this show officially, the guest speaker wu Patrick McCauahey whose impressive academic career includes the position of Professor of Visual Aru at Monash University from 1974, a Harkness Fellowship for U.S.A. study 1969-71 , and who is now director of the National Gallery of Vic– toria. Mccaughey spoke of the two paradoxes of Ed– ward Hopper: the areat realist, a man who makes an from the ordinary, lrom the banal, on the one hand, and on the other, the man who creates poetry .and who uses light to imaainativc advantaac, especially to highlight man-made items in the landscape. Hopper shows us his imaae of America and he aivcs an im– mediacy 10 the world of everyday fact. This exhibition, "The World of Edward Hopper" wa.s the major contribution 10 the 1982 Adelaide Festival by the Art Gallery of South Australia. The paintinp arc lent by the Whitney Museum of American Art. ill New York, and will be displayed in Brisbane until 25. \ ,