Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,r ------ The Townsville Daily Bulletin Ci~~g~ts a scoop y;~ ·· Br1t1sfi art exhlb1t1on TOWNSVJLLE will be the only regional centre In Australia to receive a British art eihibltlon urganlsed by the Queensland Art Gallery for the Commonwealth Games. ' The assistaot director of the Queensland Art Gal• lery in Brisbane, Mrs Caro– line Shurer was in Towns– ville yesterday to discuss the extension sen·ices pro– gram where State. inter• state and overseas exhibi– tions are toured throughout the State. Mrs Shurer. who is making her first visit to Townsville. was impressed by the facilities of the city's Pere Tucker Re– gional Gallery that enables major exhibitions. to be displayed. She said: "Because of the nature of art works, there are many exhibitions that can only be, displayed in galleries that meet cer– tain requirements. "This gallery has the three · most important: professional ·staff. an ade• quate security system and temperature and humidity controls. "Works on paper. like .watercolours. deteriorate and lade so that most exhi· bitions ha \'e a limited )'enue schedule and then must be resto?d. "This also goes for gal– lery collections which prally mean works are .~ly dllplayed,lpr a month six weeks put of 12 mont"'. The, ~~ the time thty ire ttfa e. "However this is not so much the case with canvas , ' :t, ~ MRS Caroline Shurer at the Pere Tucker Re- gional Gallery ye$terday. . paintings and ceramics or follow the works to Towns- sculpture." villein December. The exhibition from Mrs Shurer said: "This Britain. Fabric and Form. is an exciting time for is a new textile art form visual arts and crafts in which includes materials Queensland and , while not often found in tradi- , there is alot of local'falent tional craft.• it is always important to They are painted can- have stimulus from wlaaq.s vasses incorporating happeningebewhere. · . stitching. weaving of cloth She said; "The Fabric and paper. cottons. wood, and Form is an innovative silk. wool. grass. satin and exhibition that should be cardboard. stimulating and challen1- The exhibition is a col- ing and should appeal to a lection from various large se!=tion • of tM sou_rces by 12 artists commu · · .. · · ;t.·, assembled by the organis- " · ha .: "l. ing curator, Michael ., ne lie . Brennand-WoQd. •. ~ H · i He is . expehed·i.,i, : ' accompany t11e nhlblllqb~ . . ~ to Brisbane but is not deflf ,. 101 nite yet wbether he will Uke· \ ,