Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

na string and a prayer LIKE a puppeteer, Marga– ret Feenty (left) manipu– lates the kite she made as she tries to convince it to leave the ground in yester– day's uncertain winds. Mrs Helen Mason, of Taring11, (right) showed that even w·hen kites do go up it takes a lot of pilot– c on cent ration to make them slay there. Their kites were the product of a kite-making school held over the last two weekends by kite ex– pert, Mr Peter Truis. The pupils were all on the south bank of the Bris– bane River testing their cre·alions in tbt gusty winds, which caused al least one kite to end up in lbe river. .,.. I ( < /,. .:- ~ -r ..