Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,' . \: ' ' . ~ , Staff 'pr'~Pare for:-ga"llery·opening THE COUNTOOWN to the official openlna of tbe new Quee111land Art ~•llery bas begun and senior exhibitions officer $man Abasa was check.ins the schedule •• aallery staff prepared paintings for banging In the South Bank complex which wlU open to tbe public on June 21. , The Queensland Art Gallery Foundation, set up to raise fund • to acquire works for the aallery~s permanent cQQectlon, 1w a new office within the South Bank bulldt.aa. 1'111 fouadatloa llu already spent S2.8 mlllloa on purcbues of art trea- . sures. for the aal.lery. Donatiou of S2 or most~ tax dedllCtible, and can be sent to the foundation at PO Box 530, Soul , Brisbane. • 101, Teleohone number for the fodation 11 240-7288, (Pbotorraob: STUART RILEVI. ,.