Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

< . ,, \ ' ' .J COMING OF AGE It ha• bean a convenient and f aclla jibe to 1ugge1t that Queenaland 11 • cultural wa1teland. Such a jibe is, demonstrably. neither fair nor true, and the opening on Monday of the superb new Art Gallery on the south bank of the Bris- · bane River should put the lie to the cheap, snide remarks. It is a magnificent building, in which all Queenslandcrs can enjoy a sense of shared pride. It is also a fitting home for the state's art treasures and a worthy venue for display of the visiting exhibitions, both now and in the future. Spending an afternoon browsing through an art gallery might not be everyone's idea of en– tertainment, particularly in thi'i state where the outdoor attractions of golf course, tennis court,, bay and beach beckon. But the crowds that have visited the Gallery in the two days it has been open this week have shown that the appeal of such buildings is rather more than the elitists would have us believe. • Families, schoolchildren, pensioners, stu• dents, sober-suited businessmen and flamboy– ant trendies • ... all have made the trek to 1 South Brisbane to marvel at the S Smillion Gallery. Their journeys have been worthwhile.; But we should not allow the magnificence o( the building, its imaginative and pcrceptive·dc,.- · sign, and its spectacular setting distract from. the works it contains. An art gallery is, simply, a vehicle for exhibiting. We arc very lucky to have not only the small but excellent state col– lection, but also five special exhibitions brought to this country from around the world to ccle•, brate the opening. In the past, the Queensland Government has not established for itself a record of being - publicly at least - sensitive to what might be: called the finer things in life. Its Parliamentary Annex is ·architecturally unexciting, decorated in a style that would look well in a CWA tea• room and filled with pictures by painten more notable for their enthusiasm rather than theEr talents. And the bleak car park opposite Parlia• ment House is a.stark reminder of the fate of the BelleVue. Yet this Government has had the wisdom and the courage to build such an Art =Gallery, and to provide other, financial support for the benefit of its collection. Visitors to Brisbane lat~r in the year will be able to see more than first-class sporting corn• plexes and the marvellous spectacle of the Commonwealth ,Games. They will be able to sec a city that is making the transition from ad– olescence to adulthood. And like most such transitions, it is not without pain and doubt. The Qu~n•land Art Gallery 11 an out– ward and vl1lbl1 1lgn of that tranllllon. It I• an expre11lon of confidence by the peo– ple of thl• 1tat1 In both thtt prHent and the future. And II 11 en 1dml11lon that th• paat la, lndnd, lmport,nt. , Wednesday 23 June 1982 t . .f ,' ' . i / I l r j I \ ,