Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

\ . \ -~ , .. THOSE who were not lucky ~ enough to attend the Royal wed– ding in London last year can at least get a taste of some of the pomp and ceremony that -was ' part of it. The wcddini dress wom by Lady Diana is comtng to Brisbane for public display in the Queensland Art Gallery. · Brisbane people will have the. I ~hance to take a free look at the 1 magnificent ivory silk gown adorned with more than I0,000 mother of pearl sequins, at Festival '82 which 1 begins on September 19. . Festival '82 is a cultural and en– tertainment complement to the Commonwealth Games. It will in– ~rporate the '!fU!I ~aranJ activi– ties as well 11 VJW,l lnd performing arts. . , i .· ' Aspokesman for Festival '82 said the organisers were expecting thou– aandi to 1ee the dress and other wed– ding memorabilia. He said fes tival '82 was in a per– fect position to display the unique attraction. Lady Diana's wedding dress will be part o( the huge Commonwealth exliibi~!or, at the gallery entitled "Coatumea, Facemarks and Jewel– lery". The exhibition will have contribu– tion• from all 46 member nations or the Commonwealth. Festival '82 will run until October 10. -------- l . • I . :'i' . ·); ;,;.: /. i ' . 9 / u j i i ! ' . ... ' ,,