Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,' ,. r The Courier-Mail Tuesday 29 June 1982 VISITORS to Fesli,al '82 in September wiU clisco,er that a West African initiation mask and a Zan•.· dra Rhodes dress ba,e a lot in common. Both are produce. of the Britltb Cominonwealth, and Miu Debayo, who was usistaat director of festhities botb wl•J appear in a unique collection of masks, jewellefy for the Edmonton Games, wu bo111 I • Nigeria aod edu– allll costumes in the Queensland Art GaUery daring the · cated In England. She bas worked II a telefislon and ndio feNhal. J011malist, written progn1111 for childrm, run her own Above, Jumoke Debayo, co-ordinator of co1tumes, ' chat • bow and produced plays and sbort stories in Britain faumasks and jewellery for Festhal '82, sbows a face- and Africa. mask from Sierra Leone. The exhibition in galleries 10 and 11 will try to repre– sent the 69 or so Commonwealth countries and dependen– cies ·through national costumes, precious stones, crafts Miss Debayo bas spent eight months selecting the items, which ranae from a straw handbag from the poor• est island country, to a kin11's robe embroidered with one– and-a-balf-mllllon beads. an4 traditional masks. The daunting project was thought up and co-ordinated • Borrowed from prhate collectors, governments and by Miss Jumoke Debayo, who wu in Brisbane yesteday galleries. the exbibillon will include a 100-year-old to apack the fint of the 300 Items. female laitiadon muk from Slf!!;I_ ~e, West Africa. ,,