Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

The Daily Sun 14 Aug u st 1 98 2 SATURDAY PEOPlE Edited by Kathy Davis Dame Zara wearing her Yves St Laurent creation Dame Zara Bate looked the true grande dame at the Queensland Art Gallery Founda– tion's annual formal reception on Thursday night. Regal in sweeping black flounced silk with a short train, the lovely lady caused gasps among the audience when she made her entrance. She was flying the flag for Paris designer Yves St. Laurent for whom she Is Chairman of the Board In Australia. Dama Zara com– mutes to Melbourne once a month Crom her Gold Coast home to attend board meetings. The dress, not unlike the ivory silk creation worn by Lady Diana at her wedding, must have cost a pretty penny. A much slimmer Dame Zara looked around at what other ladles were wearing and asked me If I thought she was overdressed for the black tie occasion. No way! Brisbane's grown up and It's time we dressed that way. I'm fed up with see– Ing jeans, thongs and t-shirts worn for every occasion.