Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

.– , SETS The new State Art Gallery has been selling two-up kits in Brisbane although the game ii illegal in Quffllllancl. The set.a sold well for several days then dl.aap– peared from the Gallery Shop shelves last week. The set.a oonalat of a wooden tip, two gold– dipped pennies, a hlatory of the game and playing Instructions. The set.a re– .tall for 19.98. Until last weelr., two-up, or swy, had talr.en pride of place amid expr-:wve art boo1r.a and rep.'Oductlons of Ooyas and Van Oogha. Heave-ho However, a spolr.esman for Profonna. Queensland distributor for Sydney– based Swy Games Pro– ducts. said the sets had been given the heave-ho because two-up was U– legal. A licensing llceman said two-up Wll8 Wep,1, full stop. But the aale of the In– strument.a of the game was In the same category as the sale of cards or dice, hesald. Assistant director of the· art gallery, Mrs carollne Launttz-8churer, defen– ded the declalon to talr.e the sets off the marlr.et . She said the Inter– national CUiturai Cor– poration of Australia. a Federal Oovemment fun– ded body which operated the shop, believed swy dldn·t flt the serious nature of the gallery. The shop was Intended to carry high quality art boolr.s and reproductions relating to the art gallery, museum. and exhibitions. But the art gallery's di– rectors probably don't realise the game's poten– tial as a money spinner. . '· ·: ,. .,