Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

, ... .– ' The Courier-Mail 9 June 1982 GE'ITING the ript becWlq tnHI for Indoor fouatala1 at Brisbane'• new Cultural Centre lmol,ed a' wide aarch. A suitable 10Urce wu fOUlld at Nambucca Headl fa New South Wales, and yeaterdly workmen beaaa le,ellins the 1pedal 1tonea (abo,e). A quest for good gravel Of all the unlikely buil<ling stonca - water worn, the kind you materials to cause trouble in the can slcip- was a problem. new Queensland Art Gallery, it Mr Gibson bad to import them was humble gravel which gave from Nambucca Heads in northern architect Robin Gibson head- New South Wales. aches. "The hardest thin& to get is good The gallery's highlight is the wa• gravel," be • aid yesterday. "We ter mall -a huge atrium room with needed clean shingle with the right a skylight roof, hanging gardens colors to complement the concrete and rock pools designed to rcacmble and travertine. country creeks. "By the time the greenery grows But finding the right kind of and the exhibitions ~ro in place, it ---------- ----- will add a whole ambience to the space which we would normally achieve with aynlhetie tiles. But we didn't want to UICI these." Mr Giblon aaid Brisbane River gi:avel was too bii and irrcl\llarly shaped. More than 500 cu m of Nambllc:– ca Heads beach ahingle, trucked to the cvltural ce·ntre over the liat three days, will be used in the 23 m by 11 ni water matt pool and in five others. ...