Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

' . ' .J The Canberra Times VICE-REGAL The Governor-General, Sir Zelman Cowen, and Lady Cowen arrived in Brisbane yesterday morn• in11, at the beginning or their farewell visit to Queensland. . Later, they visited the Performing:\. Arts Complex and the Quee111land Art Gallery of the Queensland Cul– tural Centre, and attended a civic reception at the Britbane City Hall and a State dinner at Lcnno111 Plaza Hotel, ' " ,r The Courier-Mail 10 June 1982 What's cooking ? . \ 'i .· . ,· WITH very gentle hands Mr NaRanori Akui {above) delicately unwr•P.ped this priceles.\ Japanese Jomon period jar at the Queensland Art Gallery yes– terday. The deep jar, the oldt!iC piece of pollery e•er found in J • p • n, is believed to hate bftn used for cookin1 about 2000 BC. Mr Akui, senior curator al lbe ldtmilsu MU!lellm in Tokyo, • aid the jar w • s exca– •aled only IO ye • rs a11:o in the Niigata Pro•ince on lht cenlral-we~t coast of Honshu. Japan's main island. The jar will he one of lbe m • in allrac- 1io11.~ at III nbibllion "Japan-Masltr• piects from the Idemitsu Collection", to be the central feature • t tlle opelliag of the ntw QutfflSland Art Gallery oa ,_ 11• . The gallery will be open publlcly for tlle lint time from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. The dla– play will include a dtmomtr • tlon fro.. a Jap • ne!le potter, i traditional tea ceremo– ny and a fireworks display on the river. Tht Japanese txbibltion wlll later tour other ~tales. · , . \ ,