Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

The Courier-Mail 4 June 19 82 I Art Gallery is a family affair , ' ,' I ' The great grandson of the founder of Queensland's first art gallery, Mr Don Jenner will be a security guard in the new Queensland Art Gallery in its new home at the Queensland Cultural Centre. The founder of the first Queens• land art gallery, Mr Isaac Jenner, would haye been envious of the'.aill• ,lei'y's nc'w ·location, Mr Don Jenner · said. . ' "He could have used some of this room," said Mr Jenner as he lqoked around the gallery's vast halls. Mr Isaac Jenner founded th~ first Queensland Art Gallery in 1895 with a handful of paintings. They were crammed into the tiny South Brisbane Town Hall. Ever since the art g_allcry has been housed in temporary prem– ises. When it ope,ns in the Cul.tural Centre on June 21 it wiU finally have a permanent home. "It's the _rn~t .~xciting iime ,fo,~ art since th~ f' .ir.st M :llc.ry ·4>pehed, Mr' Jenftcr iaid.- It'• lilc:c a new Renaissance:!~ The galicry also has paintings by the late Mr 'Jenner. One of the first p.a.intings Mr Don Jenner moved . was one of his great grandfather's · w.orks. It is a painting of the icy coast of Labrador in Canada and is . titled Cape Chudligh. "It was pn amazing thing to pick up a painting'and sec it was his," .be said: . · Mr Jenner said his great grand- ! DON JENNER ••• working for the Queensland Art Gallery, just like bi~ 1reat gr1ndf1tbd:··... -~ / .~ father painted mostly" landscapes. art' as his great grandfather, Mr . . He would ·like to sec a diapl~iyift "We have one picturc·of a sunrise Jenner has a few of. his ,n.intings the new gallery of his ~rcat , _ . that have been passed down · father's works as a tn~~·'°: . at Sandgate that makes 1t look ab- through the .family and he has a · piof)cering. · .. solutely glorious. -It's quite amaz- cousin in Melbourne who is also · · · · ing,"he said. doing some searching for some lost "We owt him that," Mr :f11tir While·he is not as interested in works. · said. . , · · ,'...·:· ·:' ;. , . I l The Courier-Mail 10 June 1982 What's cooking ? , .. ~· l s