Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984
The Courier-Mail 22 October 1982 ·, ..,,,. ;t< f(_,'l'. t._~r, QUEENSLAND Art Gallery edcucadon officer Amanda Duey witb "U • dtled Sculpture 1974" by Tberman Statom from the glass art exbibidon. Apart from tbe odd very npeashe Imported pieces la die shops, it is rare for ~•baae people to see ..-: ware. y Is your chance. ~-•---land Art Gal– an exhibl– tba • 60 pieces .,. · from 3" Amer- lca.-.·tN. Earopean, five lridsll'a.l three Japanese artists. The gaUery director, Mr R • nul Mellish, said the Art in glass going on sho~ works in "laten11tional Directions in Glass Art" were some of the mott im– aginathe and exquisite as– sembled in one dlsplay. He said: "The public, for the first time, will be able to appreclAte the po– tential of lass as a medl- :,;: . ~ I
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