Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

' JI ,. I l' ll:!.1.JJUU.C HI= ::,u11 .1.U !~UVl:!IIIUt::l. ..L ::10 Building award to Qld. SYDNEY - The Queensland Art Gallery, built on the banks .of the ,Biisbane Rivei, has won this year's ~atlonal Institute of Architects' award fOT a new building. The i:nllery, desl~ned by Quccnsl1111der Robin G, , _ son, was opened in Jun,' as purl of Brisbane's c 1- lural ccnlre. The award for best res– toration project went to lhe 19111 ccnlury Lands Office In lhe northern NSW Lown ·of Moree. Govcrnmenl nrchilecl David \Vllson reconstruc– ted the buildini: after it was badly dumugrd in u fire in 1980. Commendations in this category went to Werrl– bce 1:'11rk In Victoria and the Cnturnct Gorge and CHIT Grnunds. in Laun– ceston. Tasmania. The Governor-General. Sir N' · n ::;1ephen, an- ccd the annual nwards or the Royal Aus– tralfan Inslllute of Archi– tects at Syuney Univer– slly yesterday. 'fhc award sponsors, Auslrnlian Consolidated Incluslrlcs, !his year gave a spedaI award In U1e controversial :\lclbournc 11rchilcc111ral !cam of Peter Co1·rii:a11 and Mac;' glc Edmond. ,•. The jury said their work wns "notable for IU– rcncwcd cxplora lion ;i;r Auslralin's urban In~~.. scape, in pu rt icula r 'iii respon, 10 Lile ordimi . archil e,,urc or the sub– urbs." Peter Corri gan said later their archilCCllll'C aimed to encournue Aus– tralians to cdcbralc lhemsclvcs and deparl from "lhc old artistic crlni:e." Tile Robin Bnyd Awar for n house wns nol i;ivcn this yc11r. but three humcs were commended. ineludini: McCartney House i11 Kew. Mell.Journc. dc:,;il.!nctJ h,v Corrig:1n nncl Ed111011d. - • l , li ·: /