Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

crafts display f. . :, , Arts and crafts A malor attraction at Festi– val '82 will be the visual arts and crafts program, a compt e– benstve selection of exhibitions and displays prepared over two , years. The focal polnt for the program will be the new Queensland Art Gal– lery, where two exhlbltlon~ organ– ised by the International Cultural corporation wlll be on show. ...The Commonwealth In Pholo· ,raphs" will comprise approximately 300 photographs, llthographs, maps charts, diaries and artlfacts. It wUI provide a brief ,•isual his– tory of the development of the com– monwe&lth. It wlll also chart the history of photography and the development of techniques from Its ln.:eption In the mld-19th century. •eo.stumea, Masks and Jewellery of the Commonwealth" wlll be just :hat: an assortment from Commonwealth countries. 1, A · featur · ' a d colorful saris from lnd1a :,nd Srl Lanka wlll be displayed along with gay carnival costumes and hend– dres.ses from the Caribbr.nn, t.he na- \ tional costumes of Great Britain, the Intricately dyed and woven robes from African countries. and rttual ceremonial dress of New Guinea I highlanders. I The Art OallerY also will be a venue of "Fabric and Fonn." a craft dlsplay covering a wide range of rll&- clpllnes. Twelve a.rtlsts from Britain will be represent.ed In an exhibition of palnt– lng. knitting, tapestry, fabric, lkat and wrapping. Another Queensland Art GallerY exhibition will be "A survey of Con– temporary Australian Crafts," featur– lng three main craft areas - clay, fabric and fibre, and metal-Jewellery. The rich artist.le and cultural heri– tage or the Au.strali11n Aboriginal wlll be examined in anot her exhlbltlon at the art gallery, while countries of the South Pacl flc will combine to present an exhibition al their nntive art~ and cralls nt the crafts Council G11llery In Edward Street. The lnt,rlc11dcs of wen\'ing Will be explorrd In two exh1b1t1ons durln~ the resu,·1\I. "Aust ralian Artists In T apestry" 11t the Quecnsl11nd Art Gallery wl\l focus on the remarkab le achievements of the Victorian tapestry workshop, us– Ing deslens by some of Australia's - --• lmnnrt.ant a,rtls\.a. , .. ,.