Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,- that q,pver ti~e an~... ~i>ace ~ .. ~ . ' ; RAH iFOLLENT nd bring life·on to the all s1laces. Brett Whl– :ymbclic _Portrait of Ar– mbaud is similarly well 1nd offset by Geoff la s powerfully realist . of Chandler CoventrJI •greets us at the en- • In addition, there is mslve Edward Hopper on ol paintings and :urated by New York's y Museum. Like the d1ibiUons it is making 1rou1jd Australia. CounlrJI, Sfwre and election of JOO British :s and watercolors e Fitzwllltam Museum. dge, · commences Its Ian tm1r In Brisbane. ·ork · were carefully to chart the develop– thr British landscape tercolor tradition over rs lrom Anthony Van Pau i' Nash. !nrliost topographical :s. show the Dutch In– of detail and precise .smans hip. They were ;ecuted tor engravings 11ck~found studies for . ~ .. ' .r ··. ... '. ,! ~, ,. / . . '-.?– \, ::.1; ;, •~ l/~ ,,' I J ~. ' \ ' .. ,,. ~ . . ~ FOGGINI's Hercules and Ioli, part of the gallet;Jl's per– manent collecr,on figure painting, as w~the del– icate brown ink Van Dyck. The developing interest In the suggestive possibUities of landscape can be seeh in the magic of Richard Wilson's Grotto of Posilippo in the Oainsborough's with tkreir airy movement, in the cool trans– parent light-bathed rnuntry of the J .R. Cozens. until it be– comes a celebration of the sheer power and beauty of na– ture in works Itkr Turner's Shakespeare Cli/1 or in the damp mt~ts of Constable's Windeme, e. The grand tour, increasingly fashionable in the 18th cen– tury and on whrch younl( 1uis– tocrat.~ took an art1&t to vl- sually record their travets, hel– ped foster this landscape tradition. The early 19th cen– tury with the creative genius of Olrtln, Turner, Constable, de Wint and others, all well represented here, marks an enormously fertile and inven– tive period In this watercolor tradition. The economic recession which followed the Napoleonic war caused tht! artists' ln– creaslhg dependence on com– missions, so we see their nat– uralistic more finished works in line with Victorian tastes. Among these are the beauti– fully detailed architectural paintings of Cotman and Prout no doubt Influenced by the earlier Olrtln and Turner. These exhibitions are accom– panied by selected exhibits ' from the J>l:rinanent collec– tion, among· them the excel– lent rece.nt acquisitions. Of th~e the. beautifully worked P'ogginl bronze of Hercules and Ioli will provide strong competition and an excellent yardstick for comparis.on with the exhibition of renaissance bronzes from London's Vic– toria and Albert Museum which officially opens on June 30. Queensland has an excellent new gallt'ry with enonnous creative potential. Stat Se rv ic Publi c ation Jun e 198 2 \ .