Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,' The Courier-Mail 12 June 198 2 .'fl Workshop for kites SYDNEY ARTIST Peter Travis will conduct a kite-making workshop In Brisbane over the weekends of June 26-27 and July 3-4. Travis, who has been commissioned to create a nine-piece kite sculpture for the new Queensland Art Gallery, is di– rector of ceramics at the Sydney Art Institute. The workshop will be a family affair. "I hope to create an experience which families - particularly children - will remember for the rest of their lives", Travis e~plained. The aim. he-said, was not so much to create a work of art but .an.event that •would allow families to·worlc together on a single project. The cost of the workshop is SIS per famil y, llook.ings can be made through the Queensland Art Gallery, phone ~49-1333 f/1 ' ' . .. . . .iT;# • ', ; ';,~/' l • . ' ;0,. •. Gala Spectac ,, ·at theQueensla -. ArtGallery! Five ma)or .e~h-ibiti~ns -drawn from some of the world's finest art · collections. j ' F.,~ :'.'. -t?\ '. tl~~r- 'i:,,..~... ! ·.•;~•/1,!!·:.+~~ .. Japan -Masterpieces from the Idemitsu Collection, Tokyo. Sponsored by MIM Holdings Ltd 1n association with C.S.R., Bank of New South ales, the Australia -Japan Foundation, the New South Wales Coking Coal Producers and Japan Airlines. Kandinsky From the Guggenheim Museum, New York .· Sponsored by th'e Peter Stuyvesant Cultural Foundation . • . \: \ ·" ~-...,_.,,n,\;·,;~-~~ The Worl~ of Edwardf'l~ppe/:, .. .. . From the Whitney Mufl)um, ·· · · New York 1 Sponsored by the Pi1ihp Mortis Arts Grant . Renaissance Bronzes _ From the v·1ctona and Albert • Museum, London and the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford . . Presented with thu ass,stance of Transfleld Queensland Ply Lid Town, Country, Shore und Sea: British Drawings and Watercolours from van Dyck to Nash From the Fitzw1lll3m Museum, .c~_mbridge . , l -– ::-"Ja.--- . • t ·- • ·( , ~P~c:;e~~ck->;;? ~~ ;ublic fr~m Queensla~d Theatre Ore~;~ •. -6,: _';JQ;9 pm· 6 .00 pni to 8 .00 pm •. . The Wind ensemble-Y4ilt ~ :a-+~··,< . . gptt~J • 00 pm selection from their wfde . ·· Oirectfrom Japan , Mr · Nakzlo _repertoire. highlighting the . · T.af5~1'11 will demonstrate the classical themes of .vanob&-"'• J' . _; ·~a,i:ert of Japanese displays . · pottery. :·. . • I ' . ' ~ -~~, .. , ,, ';,,/ '_4 .,_ .•.. ~ Japanese :tea Ceremony . · ~freY,"Ofk&-Dlsplay 8.30 pm 6 .30 pm · · : •' · ·· Miss Yamada and her ·guests' Queensland Art Gallery will perform the ancient ritual of Queensland Cultural Centre Usa-cha in full ceremonial South Bank ' , ,costume . .,, .Brisbane ,.