Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

The Couri er -Mail Queensland Cultural Centre South Brisbane Telephone 1071 240 7333 Art -It of 1M month Tonight at 1,00 p.ffl. "Por1rlit ol the MardltM Flippo Spinoll" by S. Anthony Van Dydt Thil aplendd ~ o1 van Dydt'• ~ ponrlilw• ii Ille 11.t>jecl ol • floor Ille sw-led by Mr• Caroline uunitz-Sctu•. Auistant 0nctor ol thl Q- • land Art Gallry. ...... lledtal The lrilbaM a.,oqi,e Trio ~ tonighl°I floor talk ii I ~~ prQlrlmffle ~ by the tlllnted llrilblne ll • roQUI Trio who will ~t Van Dyck'• period wi1h - • ctionl from their ,.,u,n. Gallery Hours Monday to Sunc1ay 9 ,1 m lo S 00 p.m F11<1ay 9 00 ., m tr, 9 00 p.m . __ --~:,~AC ,•· 31 May 1983 TOfflOfrOW al 2.30 p.m. Contemporary Qe<man OrawinOI by Proleaaor Mal1fred Jurgensen olesaor Jorgensen. Acting ol the C>epertmellt ot Genna'I. Universlty ol Queen1lland wtl dl8Cu6S tile current ellhtbition ol Germa11 Drawings from the Ludwig Museum. Cologne. on d<sptay here uo1il 18 June. Spon&ofed by Lu11hansa Mualcal R.cltal Today al 3.00 p.m. Chinese Orchestra from tM Queensla1'd Conservatonum ot Music. SeleetionS highlighting the el<hibition, The Entombed Wiwnors on display unlll 5 June. Sponsored by Mobil The couri e r-Mail Change.s at galler~ Government to serve four-year. terms. Palmer, Dr Bill Orfo Pam Bell, of Boonah (a board member or the f' Gallery in Canberra), P Ken Goodwin or Quc, Universi ty, and accoun Neville Stitt. DR &OTSMAN .. . Gallery bead THE directo r or the North Brisbane College or Advanced Education, Or Peter Botsman, 50, is the new chairman of the Queensland Arl Gallery trus- tees. Dr Botsman, a former mem- ber or the board or trustees , succeeds Mr Justice Peter Con– nolly as chairman. Sev en new trustees arc among the I2 appointed by the The deput y co-ordinator of the arts for the State Govern· mcnl. Mr Allen Callaghan, is a new vice- chairman . serving with retired businessman Mr Rod O'Loan, appointed from the former board of trustees. Other new faces are business· man Sir Robert Mathers , Westpac state manager Mr Bill Art ists Lawren cc John Rigby and Henry huve been appointed fo er four years. The Gov is yet to name a I3th tr