Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,• Th e Cour-i e r-Mail 28 May 1983 ree Public· Lecture lrt 11 Queenslud Ou,•pn; l.ind Al/ G,Jllety 0Ul'Pnsl,rnd Cu//urM Cen/1t• Soutn Rr1sOJne T l'lt'phcint (07) 210 'JJ J f • 1,, ,1t11•, I {~.11• 1 ., y , r,,, JI', 1 ~ I,, :1 ,11 l', ,'. .! , 'j /il.J ,, ••1 ', ~(1 II 11 , f, ,, .• , '•!)1111,•, 111 ·1 ;1,, ~ll'l j ,, 1 I Pt - 'J • ~ ,n The Courier-Mail 22 June 1983 ,r ) Th e Ua 1ly Sun Goodbye meat pie - hello culture 24 May 1983 BALLET, theatre and &be arta - ra&ber &ban beer, plea and football - are aUnc– Unc &be blr crowda In Brubane. Tbe 1.m-.e of &be a.-erace Brtabane bloke u some• one who woald walll: • mHe &o • ee &be main ma&ch a, Laa, Pan uull nm 10 when coalroa&ed bJ bis wife wavtac opera Uckd • bu been aba&wr– ecl. Tbe cal&we 'fllltare l • back la Yope. Local promoMn JHMr– daJ said record crowdl were a«eacUac &be ca.y'1 & beat.rn and plleiiea &o aaYOr Ua caltaral de– Hcht. •• On Saada1 when wd weather kep, fooUlall clfehanla •' home ctaecl &o TV ae&a, a record 1310 people fUed ,.., the Ea– &ombed Wamon ellhlbl– Uoa la &be Qaeeaaluull ArlGaUerJ, Gallel'J direc&or Ill' Bao1 Melllab Je • lenlar Jealcl be WU dellchW' wtth &be~-oa'- "There'1 ao doab, la 1111 mJn4 &bal Brisbane l • more cal&arallJ awan DOW &baa a, &DJ Ume la &be past.," be said. "The crowd we bad on SandaJ wa • &be blcbnl c1atl1 atkndaace for &DJ ellhlblUon In Auwalla." . •·