Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

The Telegraph 17 June 19 83 Big wee,~pn arch it eclire Many events Involving schoolchlldren and the public have been organised for "Architec– ture Week 1983", which runs from next Mon• day to Sunday. In primary schools, from 9.30am until 12.30pm, Monday to Fri– day, activities would focus on an exploration of King George Square and a review of the design of the square. A student display of architecture from the University of Queensland would be on show at the Wintergarden in the Mall all day from Monday to · Friday. "Meet the Architect" guide walks are offered with meetings in the Par– liamentary Annexe, Cus– toms House, and the Queensland Art Gallery, from Ipm to 2pm, Mon– day to Friday. The highlights of the week were the 1983 Ar• chitect Awards, and an exhibition of Queensland architecture at the Queensland Art Gallery from 10am to 5pm on the Sunday. - ----- - The Daily Sun 11 June 1983 The Kenlynn Centre, Spring Hill. Awards to Brisbane * BRISBANE archHec&a, Noel Robinson and Robin Gibson, won two of the four awards annoanced this week by the Concrete lna&Uate of Austr.,,lh. * Noel Robinson won the award for the KenJJIUI Centre, a fin storey • &rata-&l&led office block In u-.r Edward Street, Sprtnr HIii. * Robin GIDIOn won his awar,Hor the Qul!ensla111t Art G,ilh,ry de • lrn, known i.:; Stage One of lhe Brisbane Cultural Cen&tt, . and developed by the DepartmeJat, of Works. * The other two awards went to the Qantas Balldlnr In Sydney and to the Australian NaLlonal Gallery In Canberra. * The awards were announced on Wednesday nlrhl by Mr J. E. Ferris, federal president of the Concrete ln • &Hate of Aus&rall1'. at the lnstl&ate'a Blennlal Conference In Sydney. An artists' impression ofthe Brisbane Cultural Centre. witti'the Q~sjJnd Art Gallery in the foreground. · • ./ · _________ _,;.. __ The Courier-Mail 9 June 1983 ~Art gallery wins award SYDNEY .- The Queensland Art Gallery has won one of fi ve Australian aw·ards presented yesterday for excel– lence in concrete. The awards were made at the Syd– ney Hilton Hotel as part of the 11 th biennial conference of the Concrete lnst_itute of Australia, opened by the Acting New South Wales Premier. Mr Ferguson. The gallery was designed by Robin Gib&on and Partners. Other winners were the Australian National Gallery in Canberra, de– signed by Edwards Madigan Torzillo Briggs International Pt y Ltd; the Ken– lynn Centre office building in Bris– bane (Noel Robinson Built Environ– n_ients Pty Ltd). the Qantas lnterna– t10nal Centre in Sydney (Joseland Gilling) and a 6 m concrete canoe constructed using t_he Japanese art of paper-folding - origami. The ca noe, Aurora Au stralis. was designed and built by a team of stu– dent under senior lecturers Mr Rob 1 Wheen and Dr Rus.se ll Bridge, from I Sydney University's school of civil and mining engineering. Aurora Australis, with a two-man ere~. was runner-up in the first inter– national concrete canoe race in Stock– hol1;1 last ye~r. finishing four second~ beh,ind the winner. ....-- ' · •·