Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

Monument . .. the first Joan Miro sculpture to be acquired by an Australian gallery. Miro sculpture: an Australian coup A major work by the modern Sranish artist Joan Miro has been bought by the Queensland Art Ga llery and will eventua ll y go on display in the outdoor sc ulpture courtyard . ·Aft~·:. The work. f\'(01111111,•111. i, a hro111c -..:11lr1 ur,· 2X'J.5 cm l11gh and i, the fir..t ~c11lp1Ure hy Mini 10 I><: a,·q11irctl ry a galler) in Au,tralia. It ha, hccn de,rnhcJ u, 11ne ,11 the 1111"1 "g1111ie:u11 acqu1,n 11111, matk h) 1hc gal lery "11ec 11111><:11ed 1111 the South Bank a } l':1r agu. :11Hl .,, a11 ,ll'{lll l'-tlliHl of 11a11011al ,ig11if1t..'.llll'l' Joan ~1m1. .1 11 ar.11,1 \1t·hu ha~ ;11.:h1L'H·U \\urld wide l'a111c a~ a pa111h:r. ,rulptnr. print11ll1kcr and th.:,1µ11cr . w:i, horn 111 Barcd,ma 111 I X'/.1. \Vhik ,1111 1n 111, tccn, ht' ,ulh.·rcd :1 11l'n 1Hh l.'.ollap~c when forl'CJ tn Ji~·,111111H1l' h1, ,1r1 1,t1L" ..:,11 t·c1 \ It'\\' )Car~ \lftcr fl',umilll,! h1!<1 ,tudu:, hr wa, pn k.l11r111g \\tirk, rclkrt111g the inll11e11,·e l,r-i uf Va 11 Ci11gh a11tl ln1e1 111 1he ,11hi,1, ,\fter World \V,1r I he 111c1 1'1,:iw1 .,ml the ,urrcali>1 poet, a11d hi, later wor• 1e11tletl 111 Ix· ;1,-.,c1:11ed with ,urrcalbm. Mw111111<'11/ hclo11g, Ill Mm,\ "11ew hr11111c age ·· nf the late IlJ60s amJ the 1970s. a period which pro<l11ccd -.1111<~ t11' the must imrortulll of the artist', ,culpture,. Musk to complcme~I the gallery's wllcc1i11n and exhibi1ions on display is now rrc>t:ntcd in the gallery cadt Saturday afternoon between 3 and 4 pm. On Frida) evening J ,rccial n111>1c:1I prugram111c will fnilow 1he "Art work ur the mon1h" noor 1111k which deals with 1he carlic,1 r;1in1i11g ,n lhc colic, 1ion - l'lrxin and Ch.'_1,/ ivi1h St Jame., lht· l'ilx,im. S1Catlwri11eand 1/Je On11or 11·ith S1 /'1•1,•r hy 1hc MaMcr of Frankfurt fc 14961 1"11,· litl• 11111 hcg111 al 7 p111 :,mt the lllll"L al ah:1u1 7 .111 THE BLAKE PRIZE l.111rie, arc he111g rccc1v,·J for 1hc 1983 llla•c l'nzc r.. r Kcligiou, An . which i, open 111 work i11 an) forn, for c,a111pl,· pa1111i11g. -culpturc. tarc,try, si:1111cd gla,, Ihe Blake l'rilc WJ., foumlcd irt 19.11/ 1) a•Syuncy rn111 111111ec w n.,,1ing of clergy. artist, and la ymcl\ frocn ITTO!,I 11f the ma111 Ch•1S1ian dcno111111mions who wanted to fcilstu a grca1er t'(K1pcra1inn hc1wccn the Church and the arfilt·jn,thc mcxlcrn world. l:nirics do.con Oc1nbcr /, and i~ llro:Jm1c fu nh« inforrnauon may be ob1aincd hy telephoning lll71 221024~.