Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

21 Jun e - 1983 The Mar y borough-Hervy Bay Ch ro nic l Deborah casts discerning eyedt I I !1 I I •<~~-- • . ~ ":" .. . . ., r-· ·•;,. · .• ·:.,:.' . . , .·..,. ·. l , ·. . .. . ,'. r /,, --~~· ,1• . J. -~' ., Ji.. . .' r:· rJ . ..• .,. ' . . . ,' . / The judge for the 1983 Wide Bay Arl competition, Deboroh Edwards , studies the paintings in the Co/tex award section for representotiona/ paintings . The exhibition continues until Soturday . Famous artists • • win prizes • 1n city contest Renowned artists from around Queensland have won major prizes in the 1983 Wide Boy art competition in the Maryborough City Holl. Judge Deborah Edwa rd s, assistant watercolour, "The Mystical Olgas .. . curator at the Queensland Art Galle!)', Doreen Bressington or Hervey Bay. officially opened the contest exhibition Williams Real Estate S200 graphics last nigh!. award, .. Quiel Weekend", Trevor She spoke or the high quality or the Lyons or Bundabcrg. art . Wide Bay Art Society members The prize winners are : Wide Bay award, .. Garnet Country", Nola open Sl!lOO acquisitive award , " The Grabbe or Bundaberg: highly com- Captain or the Push" . Ivy Zappala or mended , " Harvest" , Rita Crawford of Bellenden Ker. Maryborough . Caltex S500 acquisitive award , unti- WaJkersjuniorartistsSIOOaward. ·· A tied, Jim Edwards o r Brisbane . Dream" , WendyB011orMaryborough . Wide Bay Capricorn Building Society Tarrants incentive award, ·' Red S400 acquisitive award, "Forest Paint- Trail", Jo-Anne Nelson. ing" , Robyn Bauer-Andrews or Bris• E. Gifford S50 cash award, " Black bane: highly commended , "Ash Wed- Swamp, T1aro", Florence Willett of nesday", Danny Lynch or Mary- Bauple. borough. The exhibition continues until Satur- Zemek S200 acquisitive award for day.