Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,r 23 June 1983 IINOVATION of Parliament HOUM WGI OM profect ac– dahMcf JfflenlaJ In the Que•llllcwl lrto lfftute of Ardlitee– ture awardl. Brisbane compan7 Conrad and Garret& P&7 L&cl earned a mert& ••ant for Ha renowa– t.Jon work a& &he an– nual ceremon7 held a& &he Queenaland An Gallel"J, The Daily Sun Company director Ian Charl&on (pictured above with uaocla&e director Don Wlmenl said renovation cl01el7 followed the bulldla,'1 ortstnal dealp. Sanablne Cou& arcbl&ec& Llndu7 Clare won the Boue of &be Year award for hu dnlp of a $130,000 cedar home. Sis of Ute U en&rtea In t.bla year'1 prorram received award • • l. -· , ' ' ~ i ! I l , / ., ·•·