Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

r \ ', COVER DESIGN : nL• ,1t ... J'JI! nsl and Ar fic11 lt: ,·y P, 111 i; n1onth' s cover· re,llurc . The r;,1ll<'1'y wi l I be t10i.: tr tn ouoli c lat e ,· n1'i I,1w1 h t1fle r the r1ffic1dl opc111119 011 21s Ju,w (sec 1f'.l·. h 'JII µ1HJl' ) . IN THIS ISSUE: Forum r,o C!. c,y 01rector of t ultur,11 Act 1v1t,eh FeaturH :. r ast of ~usic and Dane for Fest ival 'RZ ',a l lcr1 Ooeninl) Ce lebrati ons '; .~Moon: l hi: f"1r s t 3 Productions Newi tir ,,. s-in-Residence dt Griffith Information ~ fL•·~ 1Vt.1 l~ .. lr:,mpctlt ions and Eidnb it1uns . ,11 1 inn Sr.hoo l-, and ',,IOr'"l-; ~hnp~ This Month lu·1'ibt.1nl· Ct1lc111h1r (uv11try Cd lCndc11 ,r NOTES RY DIREClOR OF (UllURAl A( IIVlllES The cover of th is issue of the Queens– l;1 nd Cu ltural Diary focuses on the officia I opening of the Queens land Art Ga 11 cry on the South Bank of the lfrhbanc river . As d Trus tee or the Queens land Art Ga J lery I have had opportunity to see rather more close ly than some , the µruccss of se ttling into a new Ga ll ery. Visitors to a 111i1jor institution such as ,1 finished gal lery would rarely give a second though t to problems of estab– lishment ur of re-location. There are those who mJy even be tota lly averse to was l ing t fo1e considering other than the rinished product, and con– sequentl ) wou ld not want to be bothered with details of the se ttling– In processes. However, dny visitor to the hufldlng 1n the lust few weeks would have been s truck by the variety and comp lexity of the ilctlvlly co11ncctcd with se t tling in, c111d of the nh!ZC of detl1i 1 surround– in!J the opening and forthcoming exhi– bitions thcll were being attended to by U1c Uirector 11ml his staff. lechr1ic11l j)l'Obl cms J lone would C,lUSC muny of us lo blanch . The profess ional staff, howev~r , have a 11 thi s under t:011trol, The concerns they hilv for su<.h thi11qs i! S tcmpcratun: Luntro l , li1jl1 t ill1J, di s11l.1y r.u: llitws , et~. will ensure lhil t our own co ll cc t 1011 and vis ilirl'J exhi bitions wil l be shown t o tile bes t JdV,llltJyc ill dll time~. Ihe program of events to herald the opening wi 11 be such that the i111port– dncc of the occas ion will not go un– notl ccll . I i1111 looki mJ forward to those ll,1ys in the very near future when the Uuccns li1nd Art Gallery dS ..,,e1l .JS Its surrounds wt 11 be 1ike a magnet and draw many to the area. A major 9a l lery shou ld be a source of influence. Its attraction should be for all - res idents and visi tors alike. Every– thing points to the fdc t that ou r l)uccns land 9,i ll ery will do thi s. Its openirHJ is of s igrld l trnporti1nce to tJtiecn5,land t1nd the Conmonwea lth . Later In the year during Festival '82, the Gal lery wll I have the distinction uf housing much l hil t is best in the art istic endedvours of the nations of the Con1nonwe,\l th , I an1 sure tha t at that t ime , visitors to Brisbane wi l l luxuriate in the beauty of the exhibitions ,rnd di splays as wel l as 10 the architectural beauty of the building itself 11.nd in i ts surrounds. In the rne,rn t imc , we who are on the spot can resolve to ta ke ddvantage of a 11 tne Gc1l lery has to offer, and make frequen t visits . Duri11g the las t two weeks of Apri l I spent recreation leave visiting some Asian countries. The purpose of my t r avel was as Cnal rman of the Asian Youth Music Associat ion, to consider proposals for future youth mus ic ac tivity In the Region, I w,15 delighted that 1n Tokyo I received an inv1t,1 tion to attend a function hosted by the fvnbassador of Canada and Mrs Barry Connel 1 Steers at the Canadian Embassy. The occasion was a reception for the group "The Canadi.sn Orass " who at that time were just about to embark on c1 tour of Japc1n. To have been present at a function to welcome sucti a prestigi ous musi c group wa s one thing. It was doubly signift • cant to be in a welcome for the very group that we in Fes tivi1l 'H2 would be hos ting In early October. Ho reception for surh d qroup would be complete without the audience experi– encing ,1 "tas te of their wc1res" . Three nkl(Jlllfi ccnt ltL'ms were 9lven , ctnd I want to gi ve due warning to prospective l\ric;lM11e ,111dll•nces. Get in early! The Cclnactlc1n Urdss is cJ group not to be missed! Mus ici,rnship of the individuals is of the highest quality , Presentation and pcrfon1klnce is such that wherever they go, the group will be accli1 1med. As a component of a 111Js t impressive Canadia n contribution to Festival '82 , the Canc1dfon Bri1ss wil l certain ly be ii we lcome high I lght , I have never intended that my Notes ta ke the fonn of a travelogue, but I cannot res ist mentioning the joy I re• ceived in Korea from visiting the National Museum, the Korean Folk Vil lage and a newly opened Museum/Art Ga llery called the tto-.Aln Museum. Examples of po ttery dlone had me agape at their exquis ite character and quality , [lgtot of the works I saw in the Ho•Aln Museunt had been class ifi ed as National treasures! f . ,, .J