Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

Arts and .Leisure Tribute to early folk hero • ,:~Ai--t/ ~:1~-- f'... r~ Jemmy Morrill and the Brolg~ ... commemorating one of Queensland's early folk heroe5.; Standing in the sculpture courtyard of the new Queensland Art Gallery is a bronze work commemorating James Morrill, one of Queensland's early folk heroes. Jemmy ,\-forri/1 and the Bro/gas. 2.75 metre high and spanning 4.2 metres. depicts the shipwrecked sailor who became the first white inhabitant uf the Burdekin region of 'orth Queensland. He is nanked b) two brolga, which arc both "friends and protectors and his link with the wilderness he managed 10 come 10 terms with .'' The work is b)· Australian sculptor Lindsay Daen and wa, specially co·,missioned by Pioneer Sugar Mills to commemorate the centenary of the founding of the company. The !>Culpture is a gift by the company to the gallery. and is the first work to be placed in the sculpture courtyard. Also on public display in the gallery 1s the Behan Collection. which has been lent for display by arrangement with Dr Behan and the Un iversity Art Museum. where the collection is housed. Dr Norman Behan is a former vice-president of ihe board of trustees of the Queensland Art Gallery. In 1978 he was awarded a Companion of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George for distinguished services to the community. particular!) in the fields of medicine and the arts. His collection includes important works by E. Phillips Fox. Rupert Bunny. Max Meldrum. Hugh Ramsay and John Peter Russell. From the early colonial period arc works by Thomas Griffith Wainewright. Louis Buvelot. Conrad Martens and John Skinner Prout. while the impressionist period is represented by Tom Roberts. Arthur Streeton, Charles Conder, Frederick McCubbin. Walter- Withers and David Davies. Dr Behan's aim in bringing together the coUection over many years has been to obtain the best works available to show the chronological development of Australian art from the convict and early colonial period to the 20th century and including the gold rush days, the impressionist period and the Depression years of thr I930s. The Behan Collection is on displa y until September 11 . .I