Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

The Courier-Mail 28 July 1983 Day byDay With DES PARTRIDGE BRISBANE solicitor Russell Cup– paidge, 80, has been a generous benefac– tor of the arts in Queensland. As the donor of more than $30,000 to the ueensland Art Galler (some of which a~ gone .ring 1omc works by the late Brisba~c artist Jon Molvig, who died in 1970), It was only fitting that two years ago the gallery should award the arts patron and.former treasurer of the gallery s trus~ tees, one of its.prized gold medals. But the coveted medal was lost recently to be found a couple of weeks later on ~ busy roadway near the Cuppaidge home in Hamilton. The inscribed medal was scarred and knocked out of shape by vehicles which had run over it. So the art gallery director. Mr Raoul Mellish, is now preparing another medal to be pr~entcd to Mr Cuppaidge, whose own portrait by Molvig is on display in the gal– lery. .It is a portrait which docs not please Mr C11ppaidge. "It makes me look like one of those soli<;Jtors who dip into a client's trust fund" he sa _,. 9 August 1983 Gallery hopes for top rating THE Queensland Art Gal– lery Foundation yesterday predicted that it would soon become one of the world's leading galleries. than $315,000 had been spent on acquiring art works. The foundation had circulated a brochure called "An Art Col• lection Within Your Reach" to encourage donations. The foundation executive di-, rector, Sir David Longland_; 1 said the gallery now had some outstanding works of art. With sufficent finance, it would be . able to increase the quality of its collection. The report said it was essen• tial that funds be available to bid for major works. as there was "hunger all over the world" for great works of art. The gallery had ~ttracted growing interest from interstate and overseas visitors. Sir David spoke at the prcs– enta tion of the foundation's fourth annual report last night. Since the gallery's move from the MIM Building in the city in June last year to the Queens– land Cultural Centre, it has ac– quired many valuable new works and attracted record at– tendances. More than I00,000 people visited the gallery during the Commonwealth Games. The report said that more -- The year's most popular ex• hibits were "The Entombed Warriors", which attracted 178.350 people. and a display of the wedding dress wor~ by the Princess of Wales, which was seen by 15 7 ,30 I people. / The Daily Sun 29 July 19 83 THI new ·0u--,.nc1 Art Gallery thla •Nie won a ..-,9d IOMA •-rd fnr bulldlnt .. ~ •. The SOMA award .... prcRent.ed blennally bythe' Building Owners and Ma– nagers Association (Queensland Division) t.o major property develop– ments. The chairman of the Judging panel. Sir Roder– ick Proctor. said : "nte gallery rates highly In all judging categorle11: con– struction method, building services. cost emclency and community worth. and Is an enormous asset. to the community." Praise Four other buildings were awarded Special Merit certificates In three of the four Judging cate– gories - Structure : Bu!ld– lng Utility, and CIVIC Worth. No award was made this year for Bulld– lnll' Bervlces. The Drtsbane Mall re– ceived a Civic Worth cer– tificate for, .accord in,& to the Judges, "revltallAlng the central retail heart." They praised the Brls- • gains . awar<f··-' bane CILy Council for thl!' . MaJl·8 design. Also a Civic Worth ccr• Llflcate winner was Lhe ()old Coast's twin 36-sto– rey riverside Lowers of At– lantis owned by the Na– tional Mutual. · Thr. final stage Is due for completion next Decem– ber. Thr. Mazda Administra– tion and OJstrlhutlon Cen- 1 tre at Nathan received the 1 Structure category award for its Innovative applica– tion of the "space frame" system designed by Edwin Codd and Partners. Cha– racterisrd bv low tooling and machinery costs. it Is suitable lor high-speed a.~– sembly by semi-skilled labor and Is adapUve to various structures. · The Business Studies Building at the Queens– land Institute of Technol• ogy rcceivM the award ror Building Utility. . •·