Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

Art Gallery na most fu11ction THE new Queensland Art Gallery has won the 1983 BOMA Award in yet another tribute to the design work of architects Mr Robin Gibson and Partners. The City Mall, also designed by the firm, received a certificate or special merit at the award luncheon yesterday. The awards, which recognise the role or building development in the life and work of the community, rated the Art Gallery highly in all judging categories for construction meth• ods, building services, cost efficiency and com• munity worth. The Works and Housing Minister, Mr Wharton, accepted the award on behalr or the Queensland Cultural Centre Trust. The judging panel chairman, Sir Roderick Proctor, said the building was "without ques• tion an enormous asset to the entire communi– ty". "When the centre is completed, it will pro– vide an unparalleled venue for the celebration or a diversity or cultural activities," said Sir Roderick. The judging panel commended the high standard or concrete finish, the complete intc• gration or air-conditioning, electrical, fire, se– curity and transport systems, and the case or reorganising display areas with minimal dis– ruption to the public. The BOMA Award is given bicnnally by the Building Owners and Managers Associaton (Queensland Division) to major property de– velopments. The first winner in 198 I was AMP Place. The award recognises not only outward ap– pearances but the balance achieved between the demands or structure, fonction, environ– ment. budget constraints and ultimate cost-cr– ficiency. BOMA awarded special merit certificates to four buildings in three or the four judging cate• gorics - structure, building utility and civic worth. No award was made for building ser• vices. The Mazda Administration and Distribution Centre at Nathan received the award in the structure category. The Mazda Centre repre– sents the first large-scale application or the "space frame" system rl,·,iencd by Edwin Codd and Partners and developed in Qucensiand over the last three years. The system is characterised by low tooling and machinery costs, its suitability for assem• bly and an ability to adapt to structures or var. ) ing shapes and a variety or roor and ieiling fi nishes. ' Mr Ed.,in Codd accepted the award on be· hair or 11.fepac Nominees Pty Ltd, Mobil Oil Australia's superannuation rund which bought the centre earlier this month for S4.55 million. The business studies building at the Queens• ,r f land Institute or Technology received the award for building utility. Because its uscablc noor area exceeded 70 percent or the gross area. the building was regarded as one or the most economical or its type completed in Aus– tralia in recent years. Other winning aspects included minimal maintenan.: • problems and cost, excellent working conditic,ns or temperature and sound tran~rcrcncc, accessibility to all teaching areas for the handicapped. and nc, ibility (allowing the function of the building to be changed in the future). Twu highly contrasting developments gained awards for civic worth - tile Atlantis home units at Surrers Paradise and the City Mall. The l"'.in 36-storcy riverside towers of At· lantis, ,,wncd by National Mutual, were re– cognised for their setting amid landscaped gar– dens cont.lining free nowing lagoons. Sporting facilitis-s i11cluded tennis courts and pavilion, swimming !XlOls, jogging track, a private mari– na and a clubhouse on the riverbank acc:ommo– dating an mdoor pool, gymnasium, sauna and entcrtainr:,cnt areas. The Bnsbane City Council received a civic worth award for the Mall. The judges said that havi".s been designed for the people of Bris– bane, the Mall had revitalised the ccniral retail heart. · "Its landscaping, facilities, pattern and lay– out ha•c encouraged people to this area to wit– ness its entertainment, to dine in the open air and just relax in the sun," said the judges. .J