Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

.- The-Weekend Aust ralian 30-31 July 1983 •",f 'I ' . :'•' .. •',__..-- ----- Tll t; nr" (lu1•1•n!ooland Art c,...11en· h :L, \\1111 Ow 19K:i llOMA t\w:,rd. Thi• a"·ar1l 1!-i i.:r,aulc1I 1·v ·1·1· t" o year,. tt,\ \luct•n~land's nuildin~ O" 11,•r, .. nr1 r,t,,n:.u:crs ·h:-.nciation Cur ., huilding ex• ·<'!Hui.: 111 r on•,truclion mrlhod:-.. h111llli111.: :, 1•ni1·c!-1, Cfl'•l cff1rit•nr,· anti , ommunih' ~-•~ . Ti: ·· , -11,11',\.t!r ;, \'urks .lnd The Courier-Mail 3 August 1983 Hou.sin~. Mr Wharton, acccp– l<:d the award on hthalf ur Ute Queensland Cultural C:t·ntrc 1 'ru.st, sayin ' : "The huil,H n~ is without qut!-iliOn a n munmou,. asset lo the cnlt.rr cnmmunil.y. \\'hen the t!nlfrt! complex is ,·nmplcted it will p1·oride an un– para llo,led v1•nUt' I••• lhc cel– ~hrilllou or ... dh 1-rsi~ · of cul• tural ~trth·ities." The c-i1y·, cultur.d con· ~lcx, to be huilt on the trnnks or the Watercolors with wartime themes AN exhibition entitled "Streeton in France - 1918" opens al the Queensland Art Gallery, South Brisbane, al 6.30 to– night. The show of warlime water– colors was organised by the ,\us1ralian War Memorial, Canberra. Arihur S1ree10n·s scenes in– clude the counirysi dc sur– rounding World War I ballle– ficlds, everyday lives of sol– diers and villages affected by 1he fighting. Strcclon was an official war ar1ist allachcd 10 the 2nd Di– vision AIF in France. The paintings arc open 10 1hc public from 10 a.m. 10- morrow. The cxhibilion con- 1inucs un11l Scplcmbcr 4. Gallery hours arc Monday to Thursday 10 a.m.10 5 p.m., Art - Friday JO a.m. lo 9 p.m. and Sa1urday and Sunday 10 a.m. 10 5 p.m. * Brisbane River, will comprise thr art ~allery plus a museum, lhc Slate library and a pcr– !ormin,: arts cenlre. IIOMA's judgln,: pant I praised the $34 million art ,:al– lcry for its high standard oC concrete finish, the complete inlegralion of eleclrleal, fire, sccu.rily a.nd transport systems, and the eL,e of rt,organildni, display areas. /