Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

They captured history on film Great Austra/ian News Pictures, an exhibition comprising almost 100 newspaper photographs from the_late 19th century to the present will open at the Queensland Art Gallery tomorrow. August 29 . The exhibition. which will Uladstonc before returning to temlcd to encourage public 111· be on display for a month. is Bnsbane in December. terest in the art of fibre by being presented by the On joint display with it at ,huwmg work of a high stan· Brishane newspaper Tire those centres is Dyeing Fibre dard along with related didac• Co11rier Mail to mark its ~0th and Fa/Jric. an exhibition m· tic material. anniver.;ary. The collection ha~ been I gathered from thousands of photographs from scores of Australian newspapers. the final selection being in0uenc· ed by both the historical in· tercst of the photographs and the creativity they represent. The great news photo· g_raphs. accordin~ to Harry Gordon. Editor·m·Chief of Queensland New5P.apcrs, arc those which say 'something compelling and instrinsic about an event. or a time. or a person, or a moment. or the human condition." As well as being a tribute to the news photographer, whose craft involvts "being there" to record what happens in the present tense. the exhibition also provides an insight into Australian history and the changing face of Australian society. Those intending to see the exhibition on the weekend may like to be reminded that on Saturday afternoons bet· ween 3pm and 4pm music is presented to complement the gallery's collection and other exhibitions on display. 't- Thc music is performed by'I members of the Queenslandt Theatre Orchestra and on the last Saturday of each month the programme relates to the theme of the "Art work of the month" floor talk which precedes it. An in Sport. another photography exhibition. has begun a six-month tour of Queensland as part of the gallery's extension services to people without ready access to the gallery. It is a collection of photographs in hlad and white and in colour dcrkting sport as an art form anll in· eludes reproduction nf the flr.;t attempts to accurately record human locomotion on film . Ancient sport. arc represented in addition to hang gliding. track and field events. archery. water sports. football. boxing and wrestling. An in Spon closes at the end of this month in Cairns and will be seen in the Mackay City Library from mid-September. ln later mon· ths it will be shown at the galleries in Rockhampton and I