Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,. Th e Cou ri er -Mai 1 31 August 198 3 Our history on film SINCE The Courier-Mail was first published 50 years ago, its news pictures have illustrated every type of action and emotion that bas ouurred in Brisbane. A special exhibition or 87 news pictures at the Queensland Art Gallery from today "Ill relhe these great moments. · Called "Great Australian News Pictures", the exhibition "ill be officially opened at lunch time tomorrow as part of The Courier-Mail's annher– sary celebntions. Presented to ttlebrate the paper's aruahenary, the 87 photographs from last century to the present ba,e been chosen as e•oathe rather than definiti•e repl"9tlltatlons of the news photographer's craft. · Typical examples of these are Jim Fenwlck's picture or Filipino boxer Albert Jangalay. who died after this punch from South African boxer Kid Snowball at Festi•al Hall (abo•e) and Qarry Pascoe's pictur..- or Lisa Curry (at ,. moment of triumph at the Commonwea , !ut year.