Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

The Courier-Mail 1 September 19 83 ,, ., Gallery photo display AN EXHIBITION of Australia's best newspaper photography will be held at the Queensland Art Gal– lery to September 2S. Many of the photographs taken by The Courier-Mail staff photographers include award-winning coverage of the Commonwealth Games and the Bris– bane Ooods in 1974. The "Great Australian News Pic– tures" exhibition will also be displayed throughout Queensland in the next 12 months. The selection has been made on both historical and creative merits and provides a fascinating insight into Australian history and the changing face of the country's society. Opening the display yesterday, the Arts Minister, Mr Elliott, said the ex– hibition wa& a salute lo the era ft of the news photographer, whose work recorded history in the present tense. "They cannot change the image lat– er at leisure, They must be there at the time. The good news photograph re– tains this sense of immediacy and at– mosphere and can make one moment of time live forever." ~ THE Aris Minister, Mr Elliott, with an old Granex press camera. Mr Elliott was inspecting the exhibition of Great Australian News Pictures. The Sunday Mail 4 September 19 83 Ne,ws photos on display •• •' ••• I Au1tralla'1 bHt new1p1per photography ii on dl1pl1y at the QuNnlland Art Gallery. "Great Australian News Pictures" includes The Courier-Mail photogra• phers' lard-winning coverage of last lyear's monwcalth Games and the \er~sban oods in 1974. ~ _photographs in the collection were selected on both creative and his– torical merits. The exhibition was opened on Wednesday by Arts Minister, Mr Elliot, and will remain at the Queens– land Art Gallery until September 25. The collection will be. disp-layed throughout Queensland over the next 12 months. , • ·•·