Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

r r Festival '82: A Feast of Music and Dance .\11 l' ,H ' l \1 11): ,111.I \l'r}' l'.\lL'n~!\'l' pro.,:rammc 1,1· m11, 1\ ,111d 111111\l' 1-. plannt.•d for I~, 1 ... 1t,,1u: ,11i.l l l'J.! 11111.d arl'll'• 1l11r1111: /1..•-.1 l \ ,11 'K..' , ',t:pll'llllil•r J!I I ll lk! Ohl'f Ill. Lrnpha, , ,. 1.; on youth ,1n<l 0 11 IIL'•' 1oorl. ..:. .111\I ..:.or,1,.• uf t lw f1nL•.:,1 o t' \11,.tr.1l1 a ' -. · ,v:it l\L' t a ll•nt .,., 11 J11 1111,1th lrnn l u r~ 1111 -.1,t 1011, .1nd 11\•rforrnL'''' 111 i:ump ll•m1.•11t tla: i.c:i lth o t' 0\1•r-.ca, .1n1 , 1-. l,•,,1w ~1cd. l\'1..•ryt h 1n.: 1n1111 ~111m t1·y .111.I 1-c-. tt•ru fr, t l\:11 -. t n 11,nh .11111 Ojll' l',1, , 111,\ 1111~: m111-.t l'l·I, , till' ",~•,!ra•y lt,1111.'L' lhL•,11 n ·. ,uHJ pcr f11rm.1111·t•, hy t hL· !/Ul'l'lh I ,111<1 "lf n'phut1) tlr du.•, t r.1. . ire- t ht•f't', \k.h 1 pcrfo11n,1lh'c, -..1 11 hL· f rt'l' , hut ,nm, \ 1~,• t hllS\' 111 l l1l•,1t n..•-. 1o.1 I l ltl· ,ulJ, Ila y 11t h .._niapoHl'Bl 1 ., n1,1Jil l' ,, .. .,l'I 1o1t h t in.· 11,·, t d:1r 111 f,1l·t b,· 111>t }t1\·,•11 [)\ l' r t o "t'h1llln·n• ~ 11:1)"' 111 the \lotanl l· ,;ar,kn" 1otu:r, 1 ,1 f,..,1 l\.d u f ., liq: ;11'l'll uf 11 t , 1-. pl ,U\lll'tl. lht., llll l1111t' ,: per form.inn .' .. h} urd1c,1r,1-., dw 1r-. . hunJ~ . m,,, 1 .. ,11 ,..,11,,..•mh lr-1, 1tt pa l'llli jl,111011 h.1pJ1llllll~'-, l,llll l, ~· r.,fl ,n'11 \1 1 1l'' 111d J, , pl.1t , , thCal rl.'• lll •l'lllll.',11hm I n111pL"•, .!r,,r.111 .iruiq1->, 11 t l• m:1~ Ill~ ,11111 1 I I lllj'., , tro l l i111,? miu-.t n• I°' .111d , 1111,11, . P! h111 , 1r1 , 111,I 11•1i,i1t•I r ~ 1it·1I ,n~ 111 , 1h1~U lll}t mult l ·,11'1 , .1 .. 11\11 l l"'• 1111 lu.ltH >! u lpt ul'l' , \,,\',1~1 11g , 1,,111111111,?, ,1.111 i.:,· .111tl pi 1J .u..l i, 11 1 l'' 11,,,1,. ,I Ult ' 1'\'l' l',1 I I hl'n1l'', -.. , I I Ill l'OnJ11.:1 cJ on t hl' lu"'·us , h)' h1 ,..;11.111,.., tc,1d u.i r-. :1nJ rncmlil' I' .. of cummu• :11 t f ,1roup-. J11 rln ~ t he :1ft rrnonn. ,, 1e11 111 .,:ht f .1 I I., , t h,· .:,1 rJl•n:- lll'i.:ome t ht.· ,,. t 1111,? for ~• h11~t• free '-'11t e rtain111c11t • , r;,, ,1)(1111:a t h,1t ,r.,,, 11 r1,t;111 1:-1•r-. lit•• I ll\\.' i..11 1 r1 \.d .1 military t :ittuu. 'lfw ...·ru"'J .., "' I ll hi! ,11t1,..-. 10 '4 11 1111 t lu.• lai..n!' •1th th1·\ r p1 ... 11 1... h,1, ~et tl 1n11cr..; t 11 11,.., 1•llltl'l ,l illl'd . 1'l ;1nned l'\'(•nt :, 11/'l' :,;o htt,t th,1t the hut 111111: C:ird(•u:- , t ,tt,:l' 1-. he 1n~ l'n l:1q:ud I h, l'l' t lrll' ... 11-- .:urn•n l " I ,:,.., , 1\1 I h ('i t)' 3months to go l'mm ..- 1 l hL•l p, fluo,1 l1 .,:ht111~, :H>u111.I ;m,I mi..: rophunc S)'!.t,..•ms capable of l"IILL·ri n~ t o hllt,!C' c roi.,al:- nrc a lso hc1 11" nJtktl, 1hL· ,·o n i.:L•rt , .. 111 I It•,! a:- thC' hqii.:t'!.t :mi! hL•St UJW II ;i I I' \' VL'II IU" ..-Olll'C' rl e\'l'r -. t :1p I 1n t he ..: 1ty . l'ro1h 11.:cr , Mr 11011 llamnc r , a member of ! lit• \\ar.111 :1 l'L' T' furm111i.: 1\l't , C:omml ttcl' , say-;; "Tl11• 1q1p rn:11.: h i:. ur1t• \oohlt:h l11vo l \'c:-> t he c nt In· "lh 'l't rum of p1q111 l,1r mn._ i,· • from 11pl.'r.11 , ,... t o j.1:: ." Ill' wl ll t·uudm·t thl• SIi mt.•1111!,..•1· \\',..·, t l' l'II \u:-1 1·,1I i ;,11 , out h t:011 ... ·1..•rt l~an;.I \..h 1d1 I , m,11,. 1111: 1h,• ,l, Llt!O l-. 1l um1.·trl' Ju11r11l•t J11:-1 1,1 tw :11 t he \.' tllh'l' rt . lh1.· .._ talt• ' hm1 , 1p,1l th11 1r , , n lol -. r..; f rom till' ,\11 '-t r:111 .111 llpl' r,1 f'ump:111~• 1111,I dalll"l' I' • o f thl' (111<.'l"ll' lm1d lla l h-t Company i.ill .11 , u p:11·t 1\· 1patl' .111d ,1 ' flt'l'l ,n:ul:ir lr 1 -;,... ..\' 1... ·t•:-- h.111d pcrt\1r111,Uh'\' I .. 11 l,111111.•d . \o.)ll.'11 t hv 1'1 r , 1 \lillt.11·r P1 -i tn 1·t h.11111, tlw "''1"1 t, l)11t•cn:-1 l:i11d \rmf '1a11J, :rn,1 t 1..,,. from t ill' lluy.,I \11, 1 1·,1li.111 \l r l ort:l' .111J Hor:, · ,\u, tr.11 1,111 \ n ~ ,,1 11 ,11mhl1ll t !w1 1 1;1l l,lt , . ,\I I U~l•th<.•r .!,IO wl'\icl·rr:cn l,,,II I pu r l ll' ! • p.11 1..• t11llll• r thl' h:11 011 nf 1·nnt:l' rt \rt \,t!t IJ 1 l'(.'\' I 0 1' , 'l.1J,1t' {'11 l111 ll:1rp11 \-oho, 1, 11 h 'lr 11:imll\'t' , I ' ll•Ul',ltll,11 111),l, .Ill.I p 1, : 11' the- 11111, ii:,11 .1rr,,111,~,..•rrlt'nt -., , ,l.! r,111.l f 1111 l• 1 ,·n , 1 .ii:• II 111.1111,111, l q:111111 1• .111.I "''lilld ,· tt,•, t ,, 11 1,·i.111·~ ,111,I ll ll'\111\,l' I •111 ,111.1 np t (1 1 ~l1 lll'l'III.: l,11111,·h for .1 \ '-' l'f , p1,•,..· 1.d p1 nod f11r 1 n,h.1m· ,111d \11-. 1 1"111 I :I , l!llt tlw l . .. ) 11" 1 l hl· ~t:,rt uf \11~1r.1\ 1.1'• purt ! ... · lp11ti un 111 l'c--:11,•;1\ '81 ' -. 11\11~1, ·.' llann.· p1·n~r:1111m1.·-.. IH1rl. '- h)' rhc- <;y,h1l'J ll:111 ... ·c C:omp.1ny h:1, ,• lwcu lle~,· rihc-d .1-. " poe t ry 111 mnt 1u11•· . aud llr 1-.hant• h,1 ~ I , •1 t hr i I !ell lif Jll'rform,,ut·t•'4 nt' "l'uppy" , "lh1mour"" :1nJ "\n t.,•cul11.i" , ,111 o f \ooh1..:h de fy dC"'-' r i ptinn ·' " ~1mpl f "moJl·rn ,! 111 •·· . l111111v11 t 1un-. ah1•u111I 111 <;)•,111l'Y 11:111, ,• Compa11)' ' ' 1111 1q11c.• p rod11i: t lllll'· For F1.~s t1va l •s~. thc l'ompat1)'\oo'I I pre • .,c•11t two 11c1o,• ha l ll'l ._ "JH.•rl t'i ,·,1 l l )' l' !"t' d C,! I')' 11:trr~• Mon• la1lll 11nd it ._ h r l l l lant ,•· ---- ,\rt ,~t, ,..· llil'l't' lUr, t:rnc-me Murphy. Thi :, Au:H rat 1:111:i pro•:r:,mmc wi 11 p la)' :at llc l' t•laJe ..;. l)'' s Thcat l't'. 1 lw llum:111 Ve ins n.m.:c '!'heat re fro1:1 Canbc rrn wl 11 pC'rform at thl' Sdmn,; I l'h1,.•,11 l'l' . •rr11 ..., l.nd Of ii lh'cani"' l t :- 1.ilL•S t t'u l l • ll•n~th J an..:i: t heatl'l' "'url.., h,i:. hl.'c 11 chorco~r:1phctl br non As~c r t o :t .. ·u ll :1•~c of rurn:mtk strln~~ of Shu:- t.al ..v \· I ..:h ,mJ lh(• t:lllltCRlllOl":11')' mus i..: tif llr i :111 1:110 . In ~(•tti llJ.l,!I r:111~111~ from ., p 111 • h:1l I pa r lour lo :1 dcv:il'ta tctl l,1111I• !'>..:ape . the "'u r~ 1o,•hh:h loo~s at the ,..•11J:o .111...t rchi rth or :ill ~ort s or ,lrc:1ms, J 1•c,1111-. 11 ( l •H'l' , Jl'l',1111!'- o f pal l'LOI J"hl .,n,I ,lr,..•,1111., c1f t'um1111111a l 1,ll'al i-.111 , h.1, lll.•t:n ,lt: ~..: rlbl'd ,1-. 0 ',1 ht•.111t I t'u l If ~·\Jn• tro l 1,..•J mix nt' J.111.:c- 1ndu1lit11,!, Jl:do~ue ,llld ,ln 1111.1" t'llll' \11, ll':t li :in ) . llll till' l u..:,1 I .tanl'l' t'ru11t, th,• 1J11ee11~l.,ud lli>~h l :111d 11:rnd n.,: ,\.,:-illt' i:1ticm \-.' Ill ho ld IIH• l· h:11up 11111-. hq• !'111.d ~ u r 11, 1:1111111-.111 1o.c.1l th 1;,unc~ ..-umpl·t 1t iou ,,d th 111t l• r • 11.111 u11;1I purti l· tpati un . \t t ilt: lJ11 1\'L' l'S i l)' UI tJuc...•ns lan.t, ,I le s ll\',tl uf llalll'tl: wi ll he hclJ in .:on• Jllll 1· t 1011 wi th Confon•n.:c ' 82, the Sport, Phys i ..-a 1 t.,lu..::n ion, llccreat lon ;rnd 11:ani:c l:0 11 1\.• 1·1:11..:t: . Th1 s progralMl'-' lnd uJ,•:,; c tlln i..:. ~roups from tJucc11~l;111J (orm1uni• t i c., .111.I moJcrn 11.111..:...- :irt i"°t :- from i\l1~t 1·al 1,1 .111J nt hcr p,11'1 !'1 ur thl' , ummom.-c.1Ith . Ila.' 111q111 l:1r 1\11..; tr.11 1.111 ,11111h lla lll'I t:u111p,111 r WI 11 t.1l..,· p,11'1 in ,I t:llmlllnc,I }'Outh ..:tJni.:c rt .11 t lH.' t:h:mJler Co111plcx . Ol hi..'1' 11111:- h :a l y,rnt h or)!:111i:-1:itlo11-t in• \'11 I \ 0 1.•d ,1l't' thL' (Jw.•1·n:- lat1.! Yllul h 1lrd1t•s tra, t h1..• Sou \\c,.t l'r l·,111.:l•rt 11.m~l from Huma, the ,\11s tra l1 .111 ,outh .l,1:; lli J.l. HanJ :111J the ho Jen \'.ii I l')' Youth t:ho\r. ,\ new wot·I.. b )' ~1 -.:h.1 rJ ~llt l..; l..:omposl.'r) ~nJ Thomas !ih,1p..:ott ( l ihrett i;"t t ) fo r massc,I .:ho1 r ,111J ord 1\•:,tr:1 h:i:, hccn ..:\.lmmi :-s 1onl•J, :111J \..Ii i prcm lcrc a t the , ou t h roni.:l~rt. \'11l' \\'oJ,..•11 \':i i lc-r YtH1t h Cho ir t'ruir. t';mhl'r1·a, ,\ ,C.T. , tour1..•tl th1• 1o,•:-1t ..:nas t o f t hl· lln i t...•tl !',t:it ... •:-1 ,111.I l'm1:11l:1 ,uhl h:ts :11 :'O n· l c ,1:-l•~I thl'el' I.I' r,•-.:o r.J:- . Th,.• ..-:hotr 1:- r1: .. ·ogn1 :s1.•J :1, ,1 )iJatlcr 111 its t't L•IJ t'oll o"' lni:, 1.; \ 1' 1'~ , 11\l'l'"~t"11I y.. ·.11'-t . lhL' l\'c Stl· rn 1\ u-. t r.111:111 ,uuth l.'on .. ·ert 11:111,1, wh tt!h pru\ h ie s a \'eh tdt· fur yo1u1~ n111:-1 1rl :111:- 1,, pl:i l.!1..' t h(' t r t"11mhinc1I t ,LI • L'nl -. 111..•fore th1.· 1u1hl 1..- thro11.:h r,..•~u l:1r ,·unt:t•rt pcrfo rman..:c s, 1oo.,s e :- t.1bl I ~hl.'d 111 1117c, . I t ha., t 11u n•,I :ui.l p l.t)'l'd 111 111r11pl' , .:.1111111.,: :- t\·:1t11 1r 111 mu-( 1.:.11 :-t.,tul'L' , In Hri:a;ha11t•, t lu.· hanJ "'tll not oul )' pl ay i n the opt'n 111.: ..-:,m,·,•rt, hut 111 Ci t )' S11u:1rc :mJ n "'~11rn:1I ,1l'l',1~ a s 1o·cll under thl' ha t un o f Sir Ch:1rll•~ Court . II)' ,·our tc.::-1)' of ~h,s i..-:n n ·.1 ,\11s tra l ln. t he ,\ustr:i l i an Ch:1mb('r Or -.:hc:1t 1·11 \oiill perform Jurin~ Fcs t i\'n l •~,: 111 Bl'i sb:inc 'a:- well. Thi~ o rd11! s tr:1 ..:OlllllHIC!'i t o .,:o from !'I t ri..'n~th t o :. t r('ll>,tth .mil h.1. re • ,'l'nll )' rctun,,..•d from I t :. f 1r :,;t $ I'- '-l't:~ tour of 1=uropc- whcr(' it rc..-:,..• 1\·CJ r:n•c– r1.•v1C'-'-. llh' 411el't1 :. l,111tl l hc ,1tr...• llrd,,..·:- ll',1 1o1ll pl :1r ln ;1 prom ~t dt' ,..·un-.: ...·rt ln the m·i.. ,\l't 1::i t l1•n· l' l .1: ,1. !ln• n r~·t1L•:-tr.1 \-. Ill .1l $11 ,h ',.' t1;11p.111 )' ~·l• l,•l• r.11,•.I p1 .1111;:t, ~-