Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

.•· 'L ie Sunday Mail 25 September 1983 Being burled to th• el– bow• In play dough may not be your Id•• of fun, but Annabell• Gore actually looke forward to It. It's just another way of bring• ing the Queensland Cultural Ccn• trc to the people, or rather the people to the cultural centre, which is what she sees as the Job of the hospitality and information officer. "People need to be made much more aware of the centre," she said. "I speak to various groups around Brisbane and am con– stantly surprised at how liulc peo– ple know about the centre." Enthusiastic is certainly the word to describe the way Anna• belle feels about the newly-crcat• ed job which she has held since January. "This is a very exciting, very busy place to be right now," she said. "lt'1 a new job, so I have the opportunity of creating my own rolc. 0 Much of her job now is spent planning for the future when bus– loads of tourists will flock to the :completed centre. Annabelle will liaise with the various sc:ctions operating within the building on the South Bank and organise special tours when necessary. Fun for young The play dough affair will hap– pen next Friday between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. as "Fun For The Young'. All sorts of sculpting and modelling activities related to a current cxhibi!ion in the gallery by L.J. Ha·rv~ will be available. L' The museu~•~ providing live . •'\. Dough makes cultural point lizards .and ~rogs to help yo~n_g ' • • ::;ili~ml.n ~heir search for arusuc With lave As a trained pre-school teacher, Annabelle Gore is the ideal per- 1• d son to loo~ after the play dough. A 1zar s country girl from Tallwood, her early education was by corre• ' s ndence. Later, she taught in ~/re-school correspondence and frags . She has loved all her jobs but says:"I'm a great believer in leav– ing while something is still excit• ing." She admits to the happy knack of being in the rifht place at the right time, which 1s how she came by her present job and the one be· fore it. For four years, she was. personal secretary.to lady Ram• say and lived al Government House. "I thoroughly enjoyed the job, right up to the last moment," she said. " It was time to move over and give someone else the same opportunity." · Both of these jobs have given her the opportunity to meet a wide variety of pcoele, and both have been in beautiful environments which Annabelle feels arc condu• cive to a happy working life. She also has had the opportuni• ty to travel extensively in Queens– land. Highlights for her were the Winton to Longrcach Endurance Ride and a trip visiting lighthouse families from Cape York to Cape Mor1:tQ,n. "They were such wonderful, devoted families," 1he said. People she has been especially pleased to meet have included the King and Queen of Tonga and co– median Dave Allen. Right now, Annabelle Gore is • very happy to be exactly where she is, associated with the growth of the cultural centre, and keeping everyone who comes there happy. Until everyone in Queensland is fully aware of what happens there, Annabelle will keep talking about it. - PAMELA CARSTENS