Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

Sun 27 . , .. , · South Brisbane I~ gearing up I r the weatcst changes In its history The rnult1 million dollar art gal lery and rnuseurn complex and the performing ,iris centr e will be the focal point of Brisbane·, cultur al li fe. bringing the city into line with other Australian capitals and att racting rnaIor presentations South Brisba£~! .. Culture breathes life SOUTH Brisbane at long last is coming alive again, and possibly na other part of Brisbane has ever had such a dramatic change as this inner-city suburb is experiencing , Bordered generally by t hr Bnsbam• River, WesL End and Woolloon~abba. South Ilrisbanr may yet be trans!or- ~ l3y med totally into onr of GEOFF McKINNON Australia's premier _ cu ltural disLn cts. '----------' IH\~ ll1Hl1•1 iinn,· 1naJor chan..:r Wllh LIH• 1·0111plt·– L1n11 o l llit• 11\UllHllllllOI\ ctnllnr C~l11·•·11slrm rl 1\1 t Galler,\' anti 11 n 1!-.1·u111 l'Olll– plt-.x. And II\ 191:M Iht• a clJllCt'lll Perlort1\llll( Arts t:nmplt-.;\. will bt• o pt-.lll'rl prnv1rlt11~ n vanablr audu•1H·1• ca paclt~ o f :?000 St•:Hs Tht· c 11lll:f'rt hall and 1t:-– la1·1llltf'~ haV<· hr1~11 plamwcl to c·omplf•- 1111•11l UL)H'I' IIH\Jllr prr– lor111111.,:: art s l'f'lllrt'S Ill m ost Australmn capital f'ltll':-i Cremorne Tiu:,; rnran-. WIii COll\l' 1111-II IH' ltll" maJor cultural show!-– which prl'\'IOUsly CX IK'rl · pncrr1 sta.:1· 11rnduc·t.tn11 dlf I irull•lt'S IH'rf' It IS a 1011..: lllllf' Sll\l'f' tlu• snu 11rl ol 11n1~u· rf'\'f' rbr r– all'cl 0 11 BnsharH'':-- SOL1lh – s1ctr rl\'C'r hank into a proud old suburb Whr rf' tilt' Arl Oallt•r.,· :)t.aHd!, wa:, l ll1• :-.1L,· ul lht• 1)0p1.1lar CrC'mornr Ttwat rf' l.111111ll!- for It~ ll v1•ly \'aUdf',·11lr shows 111 ycstcryl'.'ar. The Crcmorne was ,·1r• tunlly Br1sbnnr 's fnvoriU' ev1~n lng out ror r vl'rybody back 111 the 1930, nnd ·40,. when Gcor~i• Wallacr s t.rodt~ lht• !-ilRiiW SUJ)rl'llH' nrnon~ lilt• sta rs anct t'hnrus ~irl.s IHJ,?h -k1t·k1•d tn µupulur Mm,.c;. nl tl11~dav lndustn· wl11ch don~m – :u,·ct t111 · MH1Lh:,,1dt• bank lend111~ t,1wards Wnollnn11 i;,::abba h.:.'\ :,.lnwl~· Ji?l\'r way t11 p:tr1<1:tnc1 df'\'f'lnp– ml'nt mnnula<'ttirmt: cnr11ph•, 0'-'1lc J U.) It 1:1Lrn111,., :H111 stand!--. but today 1s n. chans,nat1c :,l1011111ni,: l't•n– t rr reflrt•tin~ tlw strnn i,.: h111r 1Klpulat1 n tha t rt'– ,1dt's in thr nrtj,,!h rillit suburb.s nl \Vr;;t End nnc1 llill End ~·· ·· ••i1 -....... ,,, , ,, ... Alld '"''llh LI U' l'lll1.Sl n 1c – ltCUl nl tilt' Expo 8H , Hr. South u n~h:lll(' WIil broaden 1t:,, .q11wal to tlw City's rt'Sld(•llt !-- as thr mnin local an•a lor n1l– tural 111t1•rf'M!-- Headquarters Hrrr ntso an~ llw llltl'r• s tatr conrh !'l('f\"H't' rtepob ol Grryhou11d. Oord,' r and M cCnlleny·s. not tar from South Brisbane Rnit"·ay SUH1on - Ihr ••nd ol thr m tcrst.at.c rail link Ill Queensland 1977 v1s1l I Australia. South Bn!'ibanr 1s also– noted as the !-uburb whrrr thr Dnsbanr· Stntr H1Rh Sch ool st.ands as nnf' of t.hP city's most important cducnt.ion centrf's It 1s also thr hrndq11ar– t.-crs arl'a for thr m aJnr Qurrnslnnd r11J,!'1nrcn11J,?– <:onstruc.:t1011 rompany Evans Dcakm Industnr:,. Ltd. In Menvnlr St The mod rn milk a nd dniry factory run b.,· QUF lndustrars 1.s located 111 M onLaRur S t rt•r1 :u1d llnt far away 1s t hr lar~r 1'!--• tabhshmrnL run by llw Queensland Olnss Mnnu– facturin~ Co. a whollv– owncd subsidiary or Au:.._. trallan Consolldn1 r cl In– dustries L11111t,•ci The