Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

Courier-Ma il 10 Sept e rnbe Qaeeaslaad Art Gallery -Fret Public Lecture f,my II Slpt* 11.Jllp.a The Art of Victor Pasmore by Tony Reichard!, special guest lecturer The noted British art collector and a director of the Marlborough Gallery London wtll give an lftformal talk on the work of hll friend and coUugua Brtll•h abstract artllt, Victor Pumorc. A malOr work by PalfflOre acqwred recently l?Y .. the Qu«eh•land Art Galle_ry will go on 1how prtor to IN l1ctu11. Fr~m - A Painter'• Diary (90 min.) An lnUm1t1 and 11vtaltng portrait of the man and hli art. ""•-=:T- u;I II ................. G•ll,ry Ho11r, . Monday to Sunday 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Friday niahu un1il p.m. OuNnaland Cultural Centre South Brliban• Telephone 240 7~Jc .·- The Co u r i er-Mai l 16 Septembe r 1983 --Seeing the stars- 'p! •,'../S QUEENSLAND Cultural Centre Trust chairman Si[ David Muir was quite taken with this puppet of singer and actrcss Liza Minnelli. Sir Darid was at the centre yt5terday ~ing some of the "stars" of a school holiday puppet show which wiU open there tomorrow. I