Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

, .. The Couri e r -Ma il 1 6 S e pte mb e r 1983 THE Quffllsland Art Gallffy's latest acqui.,itlon - Apollo 11: AtcmdNII Ontloptntot 1969 - admired yesttrday by · [_Mr T. Rricllanlt •Ila ~w to Brisbane to i•tall t~ pelatlna. ' • '= ·: An artist's ·gift THE latest major acquistion by the Queens– land Art Gallery went on display after• special presentation yesterday. Gallery officials could not put a ulur on tbe painting. but ii is onr of rite largest works acquirtd by thr gallery. Thr painting "Apollo 11: Ascending Dt,elop– mrnt 1969" is by British artist Victor Pasmottaall mr • sures 910 cm x 213 cm. Thr pal • tlng was prrMated by a noted British • rt collector, Mr lbny Reichardt. who llrw to Brisb • nr for tbe imtallatloa and made the presrolatioa yes– trrdQy, Oflic:ials said tltr ,alue of the painting was dim– cult to estimate because It had _, hffa offered for 11lr and bad bNn dourrd by Mr Pumorr. ' •·