Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

9-15 September 198 3 BRISBA.NE GALLERIES Grnl Australian News Pies: Pul a news photographer on one side or the lens and you get black-and-while history on the other. The prints may have raded but not the lire and death drama they recorded on the spot. Queensland Art Gallery until Sept 25. Alan Peascod: Research and travel in the Middle East and a fascination with Islamic ceramics have made this poller a master of the lustre glaze which give his work its visual opulence. Potlers Gallery until Sept 22. Gary Baker: Vigorous, blunt-edged bru– shwork and a dramatic handling of light and tone enliven the landscape or a painter who work s within the traditions of Australian plein air 011 painting. Town Gallery until Sept JO. , .. 'l' ll e c ouri er- M i 1 1 0 Septeu~er 1983 Qaaeensland Art Gallery · free Public Lecture Friday 16 s.JI. .., 12.30 p.11. The Art of Victor Pasmore by Tony Reichardt, special guest lecturer The noted Brttlah art collector and a director of the Marlborough Gallery London wtll give an 1Mormal talk on the work of his friend and colleague British abstract artist, Victor Pasmore. A major work by Pasmore acquired recently bj/ the Queeh1land Art Gallery will go on show prior to the lecture f,.,., film Plduo - A Painter's Diary (90 min .) An Intimate and revealing portrait of the man and hit art 9c,..-=T-.– _. , .. ...... -... .. , ....... Gal/,ry Hours Monday to Sunday 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. . Friday nights until p.m. Queensland Cultural Centre South Briabana Telephone 240 71,~lc 'l'h c Courier -Mai l 30 September 1983 -A 'roaring' party- JULIE Lloyd, of Clayfield, and Miriam Prystupa, or St Lucia, l>oth information offi– cers with the Queensland Art Galllery, dance up• storm of• ch11rleston at the "Roarini: Twenties" style un•eiling of the statue "Pomona" at I~ Queen.~land Art Gallery last night. I