Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,#.,.. The Sunday Mail 2 October 1983 HELENE STACEY Top ats, talls, and all that jazz_ II wa1 time for dancing lhon, top halt INld tail,, feather boat, l1ncy dreu and i,lamor gear aa the lively NI nwtted the heyclaJa of Hollywood, the art buff• honored the 20e and the Zontiena 1taged a concert. One could hardly be blamed for thinking the festival fever had hit the Quccnshnd Art Gallery. It's the first time that J huvc ~en the gallery filled with art buffs dressed in napper gear and feather boas, with their partners in striped blazers and boaters. And Thursday night would have been one of the very few occasions when the walls echoed with the lively sound of the roaring 20s. This was tbe seflin,: for lbe pUtry's contribu– tion lo Warana - the first Quttaslaacl nbibirion focu.'iin,: on the important rolt artist I....J. lla"tY played in lbe detelopmeal of art ia our start. Welcoming guests on behalf of the l(allery were the chairman of 1rus1ccs, Dr Ptttr Bot-a and director Raoul Mellish. Spcakinr on behalf ,,[ the Warana Festival was the pmidenl . Les Padin.an. What a pleasa nt evening 11 was, as guots, in– cluding Maureen and Charles Morttmet1, F.5cdle and Jack Woods admired the art. sipped cham– pagne, nibbled on savorics and then !>al back and enjoyed the music. Mingling in this crowd were gallery a~istant director. Caroline Schum, Jant Wbireoak, exhi– bition sponsor Jack AndtBOa of Anacon<b Aus– tralia. and his wife. Sy!Yia. architect RobiaGlbloa and Shirwy Pallrn. Some of the r,ottcry on show was created by her late mother , Florence Archer. The evening had a dual purJ>-lSC - the other being the unveiling of the splendid "Pomona" statue in honor of Sir Gordon Chalk, who played a very important role 1111 he dc,·clnring SIJgcs of the Queensland Cultural Centre. 1ft: l'JS accompa– nied by Lad, Chi1II...