Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

l{o~"-' ' l\011d ....11'd 111 .111 a ll •lh.•i• lhmcu Jll'U • ~1•.uumc 111 '•laynL· 11,111 . l h\. 1111cc11~l.1nd t.u11.._c ,·t llr.1•, .. 111 ,,-,..,l)L• 1 ,tl,111 \o.1th the •Juc\.•r,.., l.111d 'tt,,tL• .,nJ ·1ur1 1" 111al 1'11,111 \\ Ill ~0111!1111L· l1r.,-., "'1111 \llhl Ill tin ..· I 11·... t \u-. 11 ,d 1,IU pt·r tu rm– •ilh\.' U I ,I l .1111 .,t I, "llll' lrumpL·t , " h) t.i ll•\.' I \ illl L' I . l o ur 11 111111 , t •, 111 t h\· 1oum1011i.c,1l l h \11uth L'o11 ... 1.• rtl) C:\1mp .. •t 1110 11 i.1 11 pt•rt'11rm their ~1111-.\.'I, 'Ullr.'.1.: r t o:- ki t h th,• l}1u•c11, l1111d t•1t1lll 111',:ilt.·~ t.rll. IhL• tJuL'L'llt, I .1rHI "i)1t1j1ht111) 1ll·d11.:..;1 r,1 u11d,· 1· 1.1m1.·d i:,111J11r.'.t OI' , l,ll' f wJ:f.!1', t ,1m wi ll p l.1} 1. 11h ~1,) l u \1 0 1111 1-.1 , ll,11u1t·ll– ·u:)!\' l 'l t ,m ,m J tlu: \ . II.I', -..111 .d '>t.1 pre • :-cu ,, 1n:c (11'\. hc, tr.il ..:11111.crt 11: t ill' li11t.1111 c l:,1r"lc 11-. . 1·111.: >IL1'i H.· lc.1du.• rs ' \,<ui: 1,1t1 nn 0 1 1Ju... ·cn, l,1od l'l"l!"il'llt , ,111 1..•,t.•11 111..,; ":un,:c rt (c :, 111· 1111: i11,.t ,·umL'nt .1I rnJ .. llut,11 ,..1,1•,- -. , ,111J thl.' ~n l111.. 1, 1-oli11 h1, c "v11 p l.1'-c-s 111 tit..? M.l ,1\ ,ll, t,ll cnt 1111.!-.t . \ 1111 111., 1;- 'l ho,d nu1.. 11 fr, t1 \l,d h I I ) hl.' \ 1111,h11.. l l'\l 1,•,1111,·1111: ,I lo 1,h 1,1111:,· •I 11111:- 1\ ,d t.1h. 11t , .. ,111 , 1, 1 th).: u l 111 , tn1ml.'llt .1l 1, 1 , . \lh ',11 .. 11 111 1:,t .. , 1,.11 ...... ,:,1111•, . 111111.I 111,I 11 r l.ia •,11 ,1 ,, •,un): 111J ,l,1111..I.' 1c,1 I \ II p l't"•t·r1l l.',I 11H• r 11<>,, li l):l1t , I IJI 111\olll): 111 ,ldJ11.l1,',IT 11111 p1'11\'.l'"" 1-ohl!..11 1<> 1I I l ,1~.1..· pl .11.°1..' ,lt11·1111: t1w pre 1 1•ill llj\ '-'l'l' ~,. I flt. 1i1w,·11 , I ,11111 11.,... h '•"l ll'l f Lli1111 .111,I I 111. I •h1"11111uh.1 S pnph1111> llrl'hl''•l t',I 1,11 1 \ ,,n1h 1111..• 1\ 11• .1 , ,111\ ..., r t 111 11111, 1,• It~ ',1,. hul, ·rl, ll.11..·l1, ll.111,lt.-l .11111 llnh~u.. •1' 111 ,t l.11~c •, \11).! l1 ... . 111 t,hurL'11, 'lu11w11;1rnh,1, 111d -;1 lu 1111' ·, l .1 t hL'dt ,1I 1111!1 / ..h,1111•. Artists- in-Residence at Griflllh '!'•.' ...,,.· . . ·,. •' . , •, /" .' " ... ·, ... · .,• ••1:.. \ l 1.·, t 1\.t 1 I 11r t-li 1-. 1L h)' \1111 ,. Ii , ltl n •11 l'nuu tin- lt.1y-. 1,I...· a n.·., \ool l I ,,1 .. ,, Ill 1111.• /11,1 .1111 , t::11'ill.'II'• ,111.I lilt.• hc-.t 0 1' \11-.1, .111.111 1·111111 t r}' 11111,1, , ,. p l ,11111c il 1111 th, l/ut·<:11-. l.11111 1:.111111 r y Mu-. 1.. l t"•l 1\ ,il ,11 1'11•\'l' l,1111\ " h tlW!!l'Ulllld :, . •1.1.:.M .ind h i 11,, t:1111\·c rl .., .11·,· .1 I ·rn 11 1.111111•d t'11 r l h,• 1l.it .1n1 t 1;.1,•,h•n, . 1:11 ,• 11111•1·:i !111c1•, , llu• l.r 1·1,• tlp,•r,1 n l 1}111..'l'tl•, 1:rnd i. 111 lw pn·.. t•11t l 11J.! a, :.11·t •, 1·11111i l' 111wr.1, "1'0 .. 1.· l ,111 lull ,•" 111 lh1• ...; ,1;, 1,11. lli1.•,11n • 11111 lhl' 11:11,11 1:111, f,k1, 1,·:1! ...;o..:: 1l.'I\' 1.11 1 produl·,• " lli1.· 1~111.!11111..·r'\" hf 1:1 lh~•rt ,111tl "rnl I 1\,111 , '•larg 1JrCL ll,1rr 1son , ..1 1rnl11t •r Lr~111L!! Llt the noy.:t l Ac .:idcmy i11 1.onclon , 1:; ur r n tl y /\r 1s 1-1 n - H••!. 1d1..•ncc ,1 Griff i th Unive r s i ty ' s Qu cn ~l ~ind !'1l n Lind Dr,1ma C n rt'.' unt 1l 1lct o1Jc r. \\oH t or \\,1rlJ,1 rc l ' s wo rk i s 1.·nnc-r, rn~d .,,.,1 h wum•n ' s l i'ti UC!o . Uu r1 1t'1 l1f• 1 11•s i<h•11t.:y M,119 .1 n .• L wi ll ho ld , xf1 1- lJ1L1 o n s o r d r .:1w1nys , 1.• t ch 111,Js ,11Hl p~li nti1HJ~ on h1..• t~ri rr i h c t,mpus ,md J numb r o f Or1 s bo1nc q ull,•rt cH , itnd wi ll conduct,'] c ommunity work!'- hop 1n fLgu r c and po rtro1t d rawing bcq lnning lOt J une . At th7 same time Br onwyn K rr.p , a cc r ilmi c arti ~t tr.1in d .Jt E.:ist sydn y : uchnu;=a l Co l l0yc .:ind t.11 ~outh /\us trci \ ia Schoo l of Ar t j g C . .:1rtspcnm n- 1n- Rcs 1dcncc c1 t _ th C•ntr•• . nronwyn is ...:or k l n<J 0 11 xp ri montn l ~ l.:it,- 1,u J I t con~ t r uct .Lo n~ hl".:1v l l y cl co r...il rl with inl.1i d s l ips .:rnd hrw=i hwq r r, , h r r.rn ..."/ n ..._, , 1 1 a l :;o lll 1 <>:h lliiti ncr at ririf rl th nnd conrluct i ny bas i •· 1, 1 , 1 t I '/ ....,,1r1-: ,IH,pll l,, ,q 1111111 .. 1 l 1 , t l1 .J1111i • ,111d ., •,,u ,r k ::hn p in c r- r ,unil' d •cu r,..1Liny b •y inntny L6tll June . ,\ l l 1,,,,•o r k shop ~ .1r open t o he qc nc r,11 community ,:md i n cre st d peopl e •t ·11 •' 1 1.r• r ••·: 1•li•nl ·; Ii·; q,pr,1nl n1,n1 fphrin,, 27'",- 7 4 14) . 1'h•" ~•· I• 11,•11i' 11 !, ·" '" ,1:, .i •, t, ·ll hf l l1., V 1 ;u,1I 1\11 :, !11 1.ird ,111,J <' r ,d t •; 1111,11 1! 1,I t he liuia ,11 l .. , \.'mm c i I • ...incl Lile llri LI ~h l:Cltlll l"I I. ,.- VACATION SCHOOLS AND W( 'IKSHDPS- INFORMATION PUBLIC WORKSIIOPS the Queensland fl Im and Orama Centre , 011 the cd111pus of C.riffith Un1versft consi sts nf ll c;er1es of cO!Tlnun ity•ac.cess creative JI' s 1~odc;hor,i. . As well 1tS prov1e1i ,1g s t udio fa r.i lltles dt 101·1 rates 10 pt'intmJkln9, photography llnd po tte•·y. outdfc 1'4or,shops wi11 :-ic he ld be9in11 111g this month in bat ik , children' s Po tery, drama , 1"11,.1e . dra1-1i ng . f ilm. Dhotography , s il kscree n prin ting. etchlnq ,rnd cc,·,1m1cs. for fur nc,· info , 1a ion contact H•l'grict Uonnin (275- 74 14 ). AFT(R SCtlllOL ACTI VI TIES rtic Ch i ldren's Act iv ity Groups Associt1ti on wi ll conduct free after scnoo l activ1t1es fo,· children i 11 June ( J pm t o S prn) , as fo l 1~·,s: I , 8 , 15 & 22 June - Gregory Par,, 0Moona Road , MIiton. 2 . 9 , 16 & 23 - Redbank St ate Schoo l grounds , 81'is ,no Road , Rcdban,. 3, 10, 17 & 24 • McCaskie Park , Blan,ey Street, Kelv1 ., Grove. Contact Ian Reece ( 36-0572) for detai Is. !RA ELLING ART COURSE Paul Griffi n, trave 11i'1g art tutor , wil l be in t ne fo llow1 ng towns during J une , as µa r t of his rPgular teaching circu it : To01~oonba - 13 June; Stantt,orpe - 14 ; War"ifck - 15; Kl l larncy 16 ; Goond lwlndi - 17; St George - 18; Rom, - 19 ; aroo111 - 20 : Miles 21. For de tt1i ls , contact Pau l Griffin, Cl- Pos t Offi ce , Pal111woods . -1555 . Mll~IC TLACtt[tlS REFRESHER COUtlS[ fl)\jliSVI LLl Jim l-lus1c le,1cilcl'S ' Associa t ion of OuC'C'IIS l,,ud will t.Onduc t J lt1. 1 f,>cSht•1· Cotirs t., for 111usi c teachers on J Ju ly at the Townsvll le Coll ege of Advanct'd Cducat. 1011 , co-.,e rir19 he fol lou in!J arc~s: l • an11ony/l1iHory/An11 lysis, P1,1no 1 • The very young o Grade 6, r.u1l1 r, Voc11l . ilrld Piano 2 - Grade 6 upwards. [nrolmcnts clusc lin I~ ,.luntl , lrnd fu l l ctai ls MC Jvai lable from t he Assoc i.Jti on, (mp1 re ttuusc , Sth rl uor , l ~h11 rf Stree t, 11 ,·tsll'lne. '000 ( 22 1-340 I ) . ALii H I L PA 1111 1'1G WOl!KSUOI' !he Artists Gui ld o f Aust,-a\1 a {Q l d Ur anch) wi ll conduct ,1 wur, sho11 111 tile use of ,11.ryl ic pi!ln ts undcr the di rect ion o r Irv ine C,mp:.>t'll on Juno 19 ,lt the n~, rdon Prof ,;s iona l Deve lopment Ce ntre. ltl[ATR( ~ORr.SttOP The Logan L1tt le Thea tre wil I conduct J the.it re worf.. hop on 19 ,1nd 20 June at the \·/oodrid!)e Sttlt(' High Schoo l, \Jcmb l~y Ro11d, ~lood!'idg(' , for 1ldult s illld Stl1dent !o. Contact Judith She rry (208·6252) for detldl s . CRI AT IV[ ARTS R ~IOE NTIAL SCtlOOL - EMERALD The l)uetns l.ind Arls Count il i n conj unct ion with the /lustrall t.111 rly1ng Arts Schoo l wil l conduc. t 1 rcs idt'ntia1 s chool o f Cr- ,1tive ftrts ill the tn1er-a ld Agri cultur al tu l l~r1c from 10 to 17 July with cnurSC'f, and tutors as fo l lCMS: P;tintinq and Or c1wt ng (tu tor· M(.•tvyn Mori c11·ty ) ~ Po ttcl'y (Kt'vin C,rc11ly): CrcJtive 1-fritllllJ (Bdsi l Shd~•.-) dlld 'lu~ IC. dnd MovCn'E!nt ( Kci th Sud th ) . r 11ces MC ilvailab le f 1 ,r day s tudents. (nro l1ncnts close on 25 June . fo r detail s ,untact Ch l'i s Tay lor, Queens land Arts Counci l (7.2 1-5900) or Bel'yl Angus , A. F. A.S. ,,6-931 I' . M••S It CAMP - MARYUO~OUGII he Muyborough Youth Music ociety i s conduc tinCJ t'I musi c camp from 26 to JO June at th•• ht' th~h,1n Convention Centre , Stcphen~on Street. Sct1rness , ~lervey ay. Co11tact Kay V11l\11•1·1'11tH1\ l', 105 Woodstock Strccl. Mi1ryb11n1u9h , t.£i50 (2 1-S2J7). Ctt!LOREU' ~ POTTERY HORY.StiOPS l•u• ()111•..11•.l.11111 flo ltcr-s ' 1V,'it11.. 1,,t1011 wi ll 111r11luct pullr ,·y wnrkshopc. fnr hi ldren dur- 1111; LIie w1·c~ ,W June• 2 July a l the rotlt.'rs' Ga llery , 49 L<~ichhc1,·cit ~t,·cet , ~pr1n9 11,11. One c lc,ss wi ll be held in the mornings each day , and one in the c1 rte r-noons. fulnl"'j will be r. lcnys tlca d i1fld Yvonne, BOtlWlhln . F111·ther det,1il s CM be ob t ained by umt,1ct 1119 Lht• Q.1'.A. ( 22 1•9498). ..