Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

~- , ,. The Australian 12 October 1983 •feviewing the works ..Cif a vers~til:e pioneer THE ·Queensland Art Oal– lery•a aumnt exhiblUon of the Work of ··L.J. Harvey and his achool II well researched, lma– stnatlveJy dlaplayed, Interest– ing ~ fun. n la . ffltlng that the first ahow to be researched and Pl'eaeDted at the rallery's new Pl'elmlel la also the first major retrospective of one of Queemland's pioneering art- lat craftlmen. . Born 1n En11anc1 1n 1871, Harvey came to Brtabane With hla ,...., a few years later. At the -lbne only very basic art eduauloa wu available In Queenaland and Harvey travelled UWe, never aotnr &broa4 However, he · read • . )nd although virtually t Worked In almost Seen In the context llct of ln.lninr and ~ -IIOD his atill WU Tbe·;wilbiUon lncludu ex– ~of mo.,t of.the media In y,'Dl~J worked anti which he ~ nearlY 50 years - pot Ing, poker- wo~ lo=i furniture d~=• CO!l&tructlon, IC , and ~ and ent~de,lgn. · · ·. · • ~ Involvement In j;o many aspects of design and "' ,,.. >, ' < I ~' " • ~ ,,, I,~,,~:,:, .I>-" ' L..J. Harvey and His School Queensland An Gallery Brbbane SARAHFOLLENT Celtic design, the languorous female forms of symbolism and the sunflower motif of aesthetlclam. By contrast a number of the portrait medallions and busts are naturalistic and show a real feeling for character - for Instance, the pensive and his work methods are close to rather pedantic looking critic the tenets of the late 19th cen- on whose face Harvey has tury English arts and crafts literally Included the warts movement. He used local and all. wOOds and clays and devised To present taste many of the hla own glues, all of which works seen overly ornate. and ' required extensive expert- some, often by students. have ment. Just too many frogs, beetles, · He had a fanatical belief In lizards and so on. However, In hand-craft.Ing, not even per- the flriest works the decora– mJttlng the use of the potter's tlon and the functional shape wheel, and many of hla de- of the objects are well ln– slgna Incorporate local flora tegrated and llke some of the and fauna. smaller ceramics and portalt All his work.i and those of his medallions, demonstrate a students are ornately ·carved sure sense of design and ex– and ornamented, and are ceptlonal crafting. meUculously crafted. They are The whole exhibition Is most most frequently decorated effectively displayed. Part of It with the sinuous orraruc line ls In a simulated J)f!rlod "lnte– and floral motifs of art rlor" with additional furni~.•· nouveau, however Harvey also ture, contemporary paintings uses a number of other stylls- and music, china cabinets for ,. tic forms which were then cur- the ceramics, and the pastels, rent in England Md Which he wood panelling apd "shutter- would have read abj>. ut. · ed" lighting of ~he I~ · There are,· far hlitance,:.1he - .- .-ei:reates the en "' flli" groteaques,. acan~us leaves · V(blc15 Hn,a "Wqrk ·- was ·, and scrolls of nc~Jala:ian~ mide'~d ln which lt ca1i' bes~ ·· design and the st3p. work of be understood. ,., ·· / . •·